Archive for April, 2012

Is there a link between candida, hair loss with moderate dandruff?

Question by KFlame: Is there a link between candida, hair loss with moderate dandruff?
I recently found I had candida and cured it but I have male pattern hair loss which I was lead to believe was because of genetics. I found I had candida years after my hair loss started. Now I’m rid of candida my hair seems a bit stronger and doesn’t fall out with the roots and everything still attached. I have moderate dandruff- nothing to be self conscious over but it is there.

Just wondering if there is a link?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
Many people feel there is a link between hair loss and candida.

See some of the comments people have made…

“Hypothyroidism frequently accompanies candida overgrowth, and is well known to cause hair loss.”

“Candida can also cause mineral imbalances. A zinc deficiency is also well known to cause hair loss. White marks on the fingernails are often an indication of a possible zinc deficiency.”

I personally went through Candida and once the yeast was out of my system, my hair was much healthier. My naturopath prescribed Biotin for my hair as well.

Hope this helps! That’s great you have gotten rid of your Candida!

What do you think? Answer below!

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 29, 2012 at 11:35 am

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,

YeastGard Advanced Suppositories, 10-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

YeastGard Advanced Suppositories, 10-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

YeastGard Advanced Suppositories, 10-Count Boxes (Pack of 3)

  • Pack of three, 10-count boxes (total of 30-counts)
  • Naturally treat the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection, providing soothing relief
  • Help maintain your body?s natural balance in order to prevent future infections
  • Safe to use on a regular basis
  • Can be used in conjunction with YeastGard Homeopathic Gel and YeastGard Homeopathic Feminine Wash

YeastGard Advanced Suppositories naturally treat the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection, providing soothing relief and helps maintain your body’s natural balance in order to prevent future infections. It is safe to use on a regular basis. YeastGard Advanced Suppositories feature our 100% natural probiotic formula that treats the symptons of a yeast infection while preventing it from returning.

List Price: $ 26.97


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Posted by Treat Candida - April 29, 2012 at 11:10 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , , , ,

Zand Quick Cleanse Program Kit 3pc

Zand Quick Cleanse Program Kit 3pc

Zand Quick Cleanse Program Kit 3pc

  • 1 Count Kit
  • Serving Size:

Why Cleanse? Just like your living room, your car or any other cozy spot you occupy for long periods of time, your body needs regular upkeep and an occasional deep cleansing. Periodic intestinal cleansing and liver detoxifying is beneficial for maintaining good health and rejuvenating the body. ZAND’s Quick Cleanse(r) is a gentle, yet effective program that works naturally to support the body’s own internal processes, cleansing the colon and eliminating toxins so you can feel your best.* The program, featuring 3 separate formulas, is simple and can be completed in just one week without interrupting your daily routine.

List Price: $ 30.07


Related Candida Products

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 28, 2012 at 9:21 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , ,

Walgreens Clotrimazole 7 Vaginal Cream 7-Day Treatment, 1.5 oz

Walgreens Clotrimazole 7 Vaginal Cream 7-Day Treatment, 1.5 oz

Walgreens Clotrimazole 7 Vaginal Cream 7-Day Treatment, 1.5 oz

Cures most vaginal yeast infections Relieves associated external itching and irritation Pharmacist recommended Educational pamphlet enclosed Contains: One 1.5 oz tube of clotrimazole vaginal cream One plastic applicator 100% satisfaction guaranteed with all Walgreens products or your money back.


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Posted by Treat Candida - April 27, 2012 at 11:35 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , , , ,

Vitabase Candida Clear for Infection Relief 90 Vegicaps. (Pack of 2)

Vitabase Candida Clear for Infection Relief 90 Vegicaps. (Pack of 2)

Vitabase Candida Clear for Infection Relief 90 Vegicaps. (Pack of 2)

  • Pau d’Arco kills yeast by increasing oxygen to cells.
  • Oregano Oil shown in repeated studies to kill candida.
  • Biotin inhibits change of candida into a fungal infection.
  • Candida infections can affect virtually every body system.

Candida albicans is a species of bacteria that is part of a normal functioning colon. The fungus itself is benign, but it can begin to overgrow and cause health problems. Stress, overuse of antibiotics, decreased immune system function as well as oral contraception can help spread Candida. All systems of your body can be affected. Symptoms may include jock itch, vaginal infections, thrush or intestinal upset. Candida Clear by Vitabase has been shown to help maintain a normal balance of Candida in the intestines. Four ingredients, Caprylic Acid, Pau d’Arco, Black Walnut and Oregano Oil, have demonstrated an ability to work together very effectively. Caprylic Acid is a fatty acid that is easily absorbed into the intestine and demonstrates high fungicidal activity. Pau d’Arco comes from the inner bark of an Amazon tree. It demonstrates anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. It destroys fungi by boosting the supply of oxygen to body cells. Based on one study, the hull and leaf of the Black Walnut did a better job at destroying Candida than a common prescription drug. Oregano Oil has been shown repeatedly to destroy Candida.

List Price: $ 50.86


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Posted by Treat Candida - April 26, 2012 at 8:24 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , , , , ,

Reoccurring Yeast Infection

Suffering from a recurrent yeast infection?   Why do you continue to suffer? It can be either of the 2 things.  You like pain or you just don’t have any idea on what else must be done to get rid of this yeast infection. Hopefully you are all for the latter. If you are one of those masochists who love pain, stop reading this one. This article is not for you. But if you are one of those people who sincerely look for a cure to recurrent yeast infection, then sit back and read this informative article.

Let us first find out if you understand what yeast is. Firstly, it is a yeasty fungus that inhabits our bodies. Everyone has it, believe it or not. Then you might end up asking why everyone doesn’t seem to be infected with it. Just hang on, hang on. I’m getting to that point.

As you can see, when the amount of Candida albicans is regulated, life is expected to be normal as well. But like anything in excess, chaos and discomfort is sure to occur. They are fast multipliers in terms of population. If their growth is stopped for a while, constant treatment should be done so that any recurrence is inhibited. Candida albicans can grow out of control in connection to poor diet, genetic make-up, antiobiotics are also included and yes, stress. Any of these factors ring a bell? There is no doubt in mind that one or more have been a present factor and has contributed to the reoccurring yeast infections. So as we always have done in the past, we resort to antibiotics when battling these types of infections. What it does doesn’t necessarily help but further aggravates the situation.  Curing these types of infections is quite simple, if you only know what to do.

Related Yeast Infection Articles

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Posted by Olivia Walker - April 25, 2012 at 12:28 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Yogurt – Yeast Infection

Lots of yeast infections seem impossible to cure and have caused many people to endlessly look for a cure but to no avail. This has caused people to spend, and eventually waste, a lot of money because of their lack of knowledge as to what really cures this type of infections. Different talks and discussion regarding the possible treatments for yogurt yeast infections have been aplenty. Among the diverse and many discomforts brought by these infections, pain and irritation are the most common.

This popular dairy product is known to contain millions of friendly lactobacilli that prove to be good for both digestive and immune systems. It is vital for a person to keep in mind that these products come from varied and different manufacturers. Certain pre-requisites for this specific biological treatment in order to achieve the desired optimum amount of relief and comfort.

As any issue, these yogurt yeast infection treatments have their own pros and cons. It needs an immense amount of understanding that if you choose to utilize this yogurt yeast infection remedy, you must first have knowledge of the following requirements when buying your yogurt.

It must be plain since any added flavoring can only hinder or alter the preparation process. No sugar additives or coloring must be present. This remedy is at its best when used in its natural and raw state of preparation. In connection to this, the most natural or raw state for the desired yogurt yeast infection remedy must not be heat-treated. Exposing it to heat will easily kill the good bacteria. After all, this is the main reason why you even chose this type of remedy in the first place.

Again, the pointer for this treatment is that you should choose no sugar, no coloring and no exposure to heat for your chosen yogurt yeast infection treatment.


Related Yeast Infection Articles

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Posted by Olivia Walker - April 21, 2012 at 2:21 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce Reviews

Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce

Now Foods Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, 2-Ounce

  • Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex
  • Serving Size: 2 Droppersful
  • Servings Per Container: 37

This powerful extract is derived from the hulls of green black walnuts, and has been used for centuries as an herbal tonic to promote healthy microbial activity.

List Price: $ 19.44


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Posted by Treat Candida - April 20, 2012 at 12:35 pm

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Re: Candida – Is it really necessary to switch to white cotton panties if you have a candida problem?

Question by : Re: Candida – Is it really necessary to switch to white cotton panties if you have a candida problem?
Also, how do you get rid of the mold spores that are supposedly in the panties even after you wash them?

Best answer:

Answer by batraylover
They don’t have to be white, but they do have to be cotton. White is recommended so that the panties can be bleached. However, it is not necessary. Wash all of your panties in hot water (which is why cotton is the way to go). If you wear white ones, you should bleach them to get the mold spores off of them. You should never wear panties made of any material other than cotton if you have candida.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 20, 2012 at 8:35 am

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

ThreeLac Candida Probiotic Defense (1 Box) (1 Bottle 1 fl. oz. Oxygen Elements Max) by Global Health Trax

ThreeLac Candida Probiotic Defense (1 Box) (1 Bottle 1 fl. oz. Oxygen Elements Max) by Global Health Trax

ThreeLac Candida Probiotic Defense (1 Box) (1 Bottle 1 fl. oz. Oxygen Elements Max) by Global Health Trax

  • Contains live lactic acid bacteria.

ThreeLac is the most effective candida defense product in the marketplace. This proprietary formula is teeming with live bacteria that start to work immediately to help rid the body of resilient candida organisms. The secret behind ThreeLac’s effectiveness is the micro-encapsulation process that gets the candida-fighting live bacteria safely past the acidic environment in the stomach. These oxygen-friendly bacteria go to work dining on anaerobic problem organisms that your body does not need. An added benefit is that it helps to balance the body’s pH. Plus, all you Oxygen Elements Plus users have already created a rich oxygen environment that ThreeLac loves. When you use this groundbreaking product to fight candida, there will be no need to adhere to impossible dietary restrictions. For general health reasons, use common sense and avoid processed sweets. Eat your sweets raw and enjoy a good diet rich in nutritious foods. ThreeLac helps maintain intestinal flora that are essential for efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Helps restore pH levels; a favorable pH is instrumental in the management of candidiasis. Offers relief from typical candida symptoms, which may include depression, anxiety, recurring irritability, heartburn, indigestion, lethargy, extreme food and environmental allergies, acne, dry, flaky, itchy skin, jock itch, migraine headaches, recurring cystitis/vaginal infections, premenstrual tension, and menstrual problems. Contains live lactic acid bacteria.

List Price: $ 74.90


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Posted by Treat Candida - April 19, 2012 at 10:56 am

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