Archive for August, 2012

How to get rid of breast yeast infection?

Question by : How to get rid of breast yeast infection?
I am suffering from breast yeast infection for many years. Tried a lot of various treatments but very little of them used to help and they didn’t help that much. I would appreciate an advice of some good solution or method on the internet to get rid of my breast yeast infection. I’ll appreciate any advice. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Natalie
Have you tried Nystatin powder? If there is a lot of redness you could also get your doc to write you a script for triaminocinolone/nystatin cream. It is a steroid and anti fungal together. Good Luck!!!

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 30, 2012 at 8:26 am

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,

Q&A: Can a untreated yeast infection affect other parts of your body?

Question by Pretty Lady: Can a untreated yeast infection affect other parts of your body?
My friend has a yeast infection, but because she has diabetes her doctor says nothing can be done about it to get rid of it completely. She has experienced severe pain in her head for the past week, can this be due to her yeast infection?

Best answer:

Answer by ☼~Ļ○ΰ~♫®
Yeast infections can spread from your vagina to your bladder, from your bladder to your kidneys, and from your kidneys into your bloodstream. When the infection is released into the bloodstream, it can be spread to all organs. This is called septicemia. It can lead to any number of fatal conditions, including endocarditis (infection of the heart) and meningitis (infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord). Your friend should definitely see a doctor as soon as possible!

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 28, 2012 at 1:16 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

Enzymedica – Candidase, 84 veggie caps

Enzymedica – Candidase, 84 veggie caps

Enzymedica - Candidase, 84 veggie caps

  • Serving Size – 2 veggie caps
  • Does Not Contain: Dairy, preservatives, salt, sucrose, soy, wheat, yeast, nuts, corn, srtificial colors or flavors.

Candida is a yeast-like fungus that normally lives in healthy balance within the body. When the balance is upset, infection results. With Candida overgrowth there is often a large amount of undigested fiber in the large intestine. Cellulase is the enzyme that breaks down fiber and is contained in Candidase. Candidase also contains protease which has the ability to digest protein and reduce die-off often associated with a Candida cleanse. Protease will not negate the effect of probiotics

List Price: $ 49.98


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Posted by Treat Candida - August 27, 2012 at 8:09 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , ,

I started my new anti-candida diet but I feel worse (only day two) is this normal before I get better?

Question by I started my new anti-candida diet but I feel worse (only day two) is this normal before I get better?
I quite yeast and sugar, upped my vitamin and vegetable intake. How long until I recover (just a ball park)?

Any holistic suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by SpawnOfAzazel
There is a supplement called Candida Cleanse that works great. Anything that contains garlic or oil of oregano helps. How long it takes to recover varies, usually one to two weeks because you are experiencing what is known as a “die off” effect.

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 15, 2012 at 1:51 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

How long can you have a yeast infection before you notice it?

Question by Tina K: How long can you have a yeast infection before you notice it?
Can you have a yeast infection for a few months, and not even notice?

Best answer:

Answer by Hayley
Yeast infections cause extremely noticeable itching and burning about 1 or 2 days after they begin
so it is highly unlikely that you can go a few months without noticing a yeast infection that you have. You should notice it right away. I hope this helped(:

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 8, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Boxes FiveLac Candida Defense Fights Yeast Infections, Candida, Digestive Disorders by Global Health Trax ThreeLac

Boxes FiveLac Candida Defense Fights Yeast Infections, Candida, Digestive Disorders by Global Health Trax ThreeLac

(3) Boxes FiveLac Candida Defense Fights Yeast Infections, Candida, Digestive Disorders by Global Health Trax ThreeLac

  • FiveLac also contains fiber, yeast (as food for bacteria), and vitamins, to support additional daily health and wellness needs.

FIVELAC is the culmination of many years of scientific research and is designed to provide beneficial intestinal micro-flora. Balanced intestinal micro-flora has been proven to remove foreign bodies from the intestine and thus fight infection such as yeast and fungus.
With the development of FiveLac the question arises, is FiveLac better than ThreeLac? The answer is complicated. ThreeLac is the revolutionary supplement providing temporary relief from yeast and fungus overgrowth. It uses three Live Bacteria: Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Subtilis, and Enterococcus Faecalis and is successful for millions of customers worldwide. FiveLac is a more powerful and enhanced formulation for relief from yeast and fungus overgrowth. Whats the improvement? GHT has added two additional probiotic strains to its formula.

List Price: $ 166.50


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Posted by Treat Candida - August 7, 2012 at 8:14 am

Categories: Candida Treatment Products   Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

EPD To Lessen Yeast Infection Burden

If you have been on the search about the possible treatments of candida caused infections, then you have several times stumbled upon solutions involving alterations in the diet. That is in fact true. One of the aspects that should be focused upon is the food intake of a yeast infected person. That is why, a London based physician Len McEwen, M.D developed a method called Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) to put an end to this problem.

The EPD or also known as Immunotherapy is a fairly effective intervention for candida yeast infection. A patient is instructed to refrain from eating generally all yeast and sugar rich food and at the same time be medicated with anti allergy substances in diluted forms usually via oral drops or injections. This will boost their immune system and reduce allergic response. Through time, the EPD was further innovated and is now the new treatment called Low Dose Allergens or LDA.

Basically, the treatment goes like this. Patients will get three injections every couple of months which will run up to two years. The length of time will vary depending on the patients reaction to the therapy. But ten days prior to the first injection, the patients are supplied with an anti fungal intended for systematic candida called Spoaranox and an anti gastric ulcer agent named De – Nol that decreases the ability of the candida to multiply. Then three days prior to the first injection, the patients will be asked to go on fasting where they are required to shun the intake of all allergy causing food. To back up the treatment, supplements will also be taken in such as Zinc, Folic Acid and Vitamin D3 that will further enhance the efficacy of the EPD.

Bear in mind that the effectiveness of EPD is not the same in all patients. Others may experience immediate improvement that will eventually disappear in time while some will be in need of increased doses as a form of maintenance medication. Nevertheless, EPD emphasizes that the treatment is not permanent and only one dimensional since it focuses more on the dietary and allergic reaction linked to the disease. It is still recommended to treat the disease in a holistic manner. But the EPD treatment is still one strand of hope to full recovery.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 4, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Is itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme? Can gluten intolerance cause Candida?

Question by sandalsinsand: Is itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme? Can gluten intolerance cause Candida?
I recently found out I am gluten intolerant. *Can this cause candida? *
I do not relate to any other symptoms than the itchy ears.
*Are itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme?*

I am on the “phase II’ candida diet.
I took the at home “spit taste” & compared to the woman’s examples of a bad case & a case where the person should lower sugar intake, I was in the middle I believe.

Best answer:

Answer by Sammi
Candida is normally found in the body, so the presence of candida in the body isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It is when the candida grows out of control that problems arise.

In addition, there has been research done that shows that there is a protein found in the cell wall of Candida that is very similar to gluten. As a result, the immune system can actually mount an immune reaction against the candida as it does with with the protein found in gluten.

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 4, 2012 at 8:35 am

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,