Archive for September, 2012

Yeast Infection Cure: Yogurt

Yogurt has been the leading cure and remedy for anyone who seeks to have a natural way of curing the pesky and recurring yeast infection. In the contemporary times, there is misuse and abuse of over-the-counter medications, as well as antibiotics and stuff that are synthetic and man-made. This resulted to people seeking for more and more naturally occurring remedies for different diseases and ailments. Let us first start with what are the exact types of yogurt are suitable for someone who wants to treat a seemingly impossible to cure disease. The one you need is just a yogurt that is plain and natural that can be bought from a local grocery store.

Yogurt has been a successful cure for many people for men and women alike. Word of advice: do not use the flavored ones, yogurt that is plain and simple is the way to go. Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometime be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balance life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.

Candida Albicans is the causative agent for this type of infection and can manifest in fungal yeast that usually overproduces all over the body if not given attention to. This can usually result from a very high sugar diet and overuse of antibiotic drugs that may compromise a once healthy immune system. Intensive fungal growth can result to clogging of organs, memory problems as well as brain fog are some of the signs that usually show up early during this time. Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometime be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balance life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 30, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Can you have a yeast infection without the burning and itchiness?

Question by : Can you have a yeast infection without the burning and itchiness?
I just noticed a couple days ago I had an odor down there and the discharge (white/yellowish). I don’t have the burning and itchiness sensation. I don’t know if a yeast infection because I’ve haven’t experience one before. Any help is appreciated before I call the doctor. I’d call right now and make myself an appointment but closed at the moment. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Beery
Women can, but in men (judging by your profile, you appear to be a man), yeast infections don’t involve odor or discharge. Instead they only involve itching and what at first appears to be a rash of whitish spots on the glans or inner foreskin, which can turn into a dark reddish discoloration if left untreated.

If you’re getting discharge, I would say this would have to be some kind of urinary tract or bladder issue. You should definitely see a doctor.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 29, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Can a yeast infection affect your labia minora?

Question by : Can a yeast infection affect your labia minora?
I noticed that after I had a long 2 month yeast infection my labia minora became a brownish color and before it had been pinkish is this due to the yeast infection? If so will it ever go back to pink once the infection is fully cured?

Best answer:

Answer by KIM!!
That’s probably just the natural color of it. If you’re in your teen years you’re still maturing down there. It isn’t exactly abnormal for it to be brown. If you feel uncomfortable just Google pictures of it and you’ll see that everyone is different. Lol. If you still have a yeast infection you should see your gyne.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 27, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Yeast Infection Information

If you might be thinking that you are just the only person who has candida, then you are gravely mistaken. Everyone harbors candida in their bodies. Lots of treatments are readily available including a certain organic mineral supplement that will surely be of help when you talk about your life and health that can really do wonders for your body. Candida Albicans is the causative agent for this type of infection and can manifest in fungal yeast that usually overproduces all over the body if not given attention to. This can usually result from a very high sugar diet and overuse of antibiotic drugs that may compromise a once healthy immune system. Intensive fungal growth can result to clogging of organs, memory problems as well as brain fog are some of the signs that usually show up early during this time. Yeast infection is a type of fungal manifestation that is caused by the causative agent Candida Albicans. Some technical terms for this illness are Candidosis, Moniliasis and Candidiasis.

Lots of medications are now being introduced to help people who have been suffering from the said disease. Ceasing the use of certain substances such as steroids, inflammatory, drugs and even birth control pills can sometime be suggested by medical experts. The start of a healthy and well balance life can be a key factor in alleviating and even preventing the nuisances brought by these pesky organisms.The wide range of symptoms of these chronic yeast infections do include lethargy, muscle and joint pains and allergies to virtually almost anything is a good manifestation of systemic yeast overgrowth that is happening in the body. The signs and symptoms of candida will usually include the digestive, nervous systems as well as the brain itself.

Sugar is the very main source of energy for the yeast to grow and survive. Some treatments are geared around the fact that by taking out sugar, candida infection can be prevented. Yeast is directly found in every inch of our skin. Even at this very moment, they are residing alive and kicking and other parts of the bodies may have been harboring them but it doesn’t mean that will be succumbing to the infection from it.

More Yeast Infection Articles

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 23, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

What are the sympotoms of a yeast infection in a 3 year old?

Question by S D: What are the sympotoms of a yeast infection in a 3 year old?
We just returned from the doctor, and I took my 3 year old daughter because she has a frequent urge to urinate. I assumed he would say a urinary tract infection, but he said it is the start of a yeast infection. Can that cause frequent urination?

Best answer:

Answer by Jill&Justin
Yes, they can’t distinguish the burny itchy feeling from the uh oh I gotta potty feeling. Too long in a wet bathing suit or a reaction to a bubblebath can cause it in a young girl.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 21, 2012 at 8:43 am

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , ,

What’s the connection between poor stomach flora and vaginal infections like candida? ?

Question by chewawa!: What’s the connection between poor stomach flora and vaginal infections like candida? ?
I’ve been told u can’t even eat fruit while treating vaginal candida.what’s the connection?

Best answer:

Answer by Martina T
Some foods, especially acidic foods, interfere with the absorption of oral medications. Grapefruit especially alters the uptake of many drugs. If you’re not taking oral meds though the only thing I can think of is that they would like you to have a lower glucose level to help get rid of the candida (it feeds on glucose in the vag secretions). I wouldn’t worry about it too much; however, eating yogurt with live cultures will help repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria. Gross as it may sound, a little PLAIN yogurt with live cultures applied directly to the area in question (possibly at bedtime, then showered off in the morning) will help to get your vaginal flora back in balance as well.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 19, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Why when you are on a treatment against candida you can’t eat things with sugar?

Question by tatiana m: Why when you are on a treatment against candida you can’t eat things with sugar?
I’ll like to know how to control candida, after the treatment. And is it good to do a 30 day treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Heather L
It’s best to not! The sugar feeds the candida. Eating plain low-fat yogurt is the best course of treatment. Make sure it contains lactobacillus acidophilus. LIVE cultures, or go out and buy capsules.

No idea about the 30 day treatment…

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 14, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,

How do i get rid of a yeast infection when pregnant?

Question by cc mae: How do i get rid of a yeast infection when pregnant?
I am 9 weeks pregnant and i have a yeast infection! I don’t have health insurance yet; We’re still waiting for the paper work. How can i take care of this without putting my baby in any danger?

Best answer:

Answer by wickedchick353
You should go to the doctor and get a prescription. I had one too at about the same time and its the safest option. You’ll just have to pay for the appointment and meds out of pocket. Ask your doc if they will give you a discount since your self pay. And the Meds should be generic and not too pricey.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 11, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,

Q&A: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?

Question by keeferdude: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
I have been ailed with this for over 3 years now and it is getting worse, I have lots of abdominal pain, fatigue, and an overall of not feeling well. The doctors do not seem to help, most do not think I have it, others have given me just a small dosage of medication, which helps for a while but it always returns. I take about a half of a bulb of garlic a day, and that seems to help, but it is not taking complete care of it. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Alice
Cut sugar out of your diet, including sodas, fruit juices and other sugary things.

I have a few suggestions.. Although garlic is good, pick up some virgin coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. Replace your oils and even butter with the coconut oil. I actually think you should eat a big spoon full the first 3 weeks. Do this in the mornings and at night. You could and probably should oil pull with the oil as well first thing in the morning. Swish it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes or until it turns white.

Mix the apple cider vinegar in tea or distilled water and sip through out the day. (You can add honey if you like). Use a straw. ACV is acidic. (This will balance your ph though).

Another suggestion is along with the above two tips, add the apple cider vinegar to your bath (about 1 cup full of vinegar).

You WILL have detox symptoms from doing these steps. Because your body will be killing of the candida you may have diarrhea, stomach pains, and feel very tired. Many people (myself included) report expelling pure white/clear bowl movement while this die off happens.

You can continue the garlic if you like. But the coconut oil is an antibacterial type oil. It kills yeast. It is also one of the most healthy oils (if not THE healthiest). There are many many benefits to this oil.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 8, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Can I Get Rid of Yeast without the Candida Diet?

Question by RedDevyl: Can I Get Rid of Yeast without the Candida Diet?
My doc suspected I had systemic yeast in my stomach whein I went to her complaining of chronich sinus infection & post nasal drip. I tried the diet for this past month and it works. I just don’ want to have to do this forever. The only supplements I’ve been taking are grapefruit seed extract & acidophilus. They’re supposed to get rid of the yeast as well. But are there any other supplements I can take to get rid of the yeast? I’ve heard of Candex & ThreeLac. Does anything else work? Or do I have to stay on the diet for ever?

Best answer:

Answer by Observer
A different way to take your acidophilus is by having 3 serves of fat free plain yoghurt a day, this works well. Some good results have been obtained from using a good quality colloidal silver. Good Luck.

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 6, 2012 at 1:35 pm

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