Archive for October, 2012

Does anyone know of a good, non-antibiotic treatment of Candida?

Question by What?: Does anyone know of a good, non-antibiotic treatment of Candida?
I’m pretty sensitive to them and want to give something else a try. I’ve tried Threelac, but, the side effects were horrid (even in reduced dosage) and I want to know if there’s something else that could help. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Weise Ente

Do you have an actual Candida infection, ie thrush or a vaginal infection?

C. ablicans is a favorite of cranks. They love to claim people have “candida overgrowth,” a completely fictitious condition they invented to sell supplements and treatments. Real systemic candiasis is a life threatening condition that needs anti-fungals. However, this only happens in individuals that are extremely immune compromised.

For the real C. albicans infections, anti-fungals are just about the only thing that actual works.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 31, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

Q&A: How common is a yeast infection after treatment for bacterial vaginosis?

Question by Erin: How common is a yeast infection after treatment for bacterial vaginosis?
I was recently diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (bv) and am on antibiotics (metrogel) for treatment. I know that antibiotics can cause other problems and even lead to other infections like yeast infections afterwards- the doctor did not give me anything to take for yeast afterwards. I was wondering if anyone has taken treatment for bv and successfully avoided a yeast infection afterwards or if i am doomed to have one.

Best answer:

Answer by bugged
Your doctor can actually prescribe a medication (pill form) that is taken along with your antibiotics that will prevent a yeast infection. Since I am prone to yeast infections, I have taken the medication and have had great results when taking antibiotics – no yeast infections during the antibiotic treatment. It has been awhile since I’ve taken the medication, so unfortunately, I can’t remember the name, but contact your doctor if you are still concerned.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 30, 2012 at 2:23 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

Q&A: Has anyone had dizziness problems with candida?

Question by countrychic_83: Has anyone had dizziness problems with candida?
I’ve had mild dizziness for the last 3 years I’ve had MRI scans, been to chiropractors etc etc etc and no one seems to know whats wrong with me although I have just seen a naturopath and he seems to think I have candida.

Best answer:

Answer by IBASI Healing Ministries

I’m a clinical pharmacist and have trained about 5yrs in acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine. Whenever western medicine and chiropractic can not solve the problem, I always refer my patients to a licensed Acupuncturist who is full-scope, meaning expert in chinese herbs as well as moxa, medical massage, cupping and needles, etc.

I have confidence that they will do a differential diagnosis that will easily pin-point the imbalance that is causing your mild dizziness. Make sure you opt for chinese herb formulas that are made in the USA and tested for GMP (USA codes for good manufacturing processes) to avoid the issue of heavy metal poisoning and contaminants coming out of China these days.

You may also want to check with your Naturopathics about heavy metal hair analysis – some heavy metal poisonings may produce mild symptoms like yours. I am assuming you have had a clinical pharmacist such as myself review ALL your medications, herb and drug suppliments? Many herbs and drugs, and combinations there of, not to mention illegal or illicit drugs, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.

Best of luck to you,

Dr. D. Nostrum, Pharm.D.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 24, 2012 at 1:09 pm

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Is it possible you can develop yeast infection while taking antibiotics?

Question by mamamia08: Is it possible you can develop yeast infection while taking antibiotics?
My daughter shes taking Augmentin antibiotics for 4 days now. It seems like she has a yeast infection because she’s having some discharge and icthing. Is that possible while your on antibiotics for couple of days only?

Best answer:

Answer by Emily Dew

Absolutely! Antibiotics wipe out the bad bacteria in your body along with the good bacteria and that leaves you open to a secondary infection. I always make sure I eat a container of yogurt every day when I’m taking antibiotics or else I will develop a yeast infection too.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 23, 2012 at 1:35 pm

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Spotting Yeast Infection

Yeast infection to many is a taboo for a few people. They tend do swing away from this topic thinking that it is some kind of a deadly and contagious disease. You cannot blame them. With the yeast infection commonly affecting the private parts of women especially, it is understandable for a number of folks to keep their mouths shut. However, if you are a person undergoing such infection, if you have friends or family members infected, if you are medically inclined or if you are a concerned part of the community who has an open mind when it comes to things like these then you are very welcome to read on.

As previously mentioned, the usual ground of yeast infection is the female vagina. You might ask why of all other body parts why there. A few reasons would include the area being often constricted due to tight clothing, it is dark and moist. Just about the situations where bacteria thrives on leading to infection.

Unfortunately, symptoms of this condition is hard to be detected. The indications are similar to other diseases which masks the real reason which could be the vaginal yeast infection. Which is why, the best advice to be given is to see the doctor immediately. The physician would be the right person to identify whether what you are going through is indeed a yeast infection or another condition for that matter.

But to lead you through it, here are some of the usual signs that one may encounter because of yeast infection. The initial and most common of all is the itching sensation felt at the vulva and the vaginal area. This can result to burning stir within the affected person that can cause pain and sore especially during a sexual intercourse. Moreover, this can also affect the urination. It can be painful at times. There could also be noticeable discharges that would appear as thick in texture, white in color and odorless.

So you see, the given symptoms are general which is why it is most important to consult first with a health expert. The will be the one to diagnose and guide you through the course of treatment. The symptoms would also vary from one patient to another so you better be watchful.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 22, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Yeast Infection Treatments And What’s It All About

If you have a yeast infection condition then I bet you have been digging deep and hard regarding ways on how to cure your situation. The first thing to do is observe yourself and note the unusual symptoms. If you are certain that something is wrong, consult with a medical professional. This is the ideal thing to do. However, we cannot do away with the infamous over the counter drugs. Still, to treat the body as a whole would be very beneficial too.

From the term itself, OTC is the literal way of purchasing medications over the counter of some pharmacy without necessarily having to seek medical consult from a doctor. This follows that the item was bought without the presence of a prescription. Generally, this act is not at all bad. But in some situations where the matter is more serious than the common ones then one must run first to ask for medical help. This is where prescribed medications come in the picture. The patient will have to decide which doctor to go to and there the physician will assess the patient. It will involve medical history, signs and symptoms as well as initial treatments made by the patient alone. Once finished, the doctor will now advice the patient on what to do. A written prescription will be given to the patient that will be presented to the pharmacy in order to acquire the medications. The holistic approach on the other hand is the method of covering all the aspects of the patients being. The medical condition, the lifestyle, the diet and so on and so forth.

There is actually a battle between the three. The OTC and prescribed medications may tend to only mask the symptoms and not totally cure it. The yeast infection can even develop resistance to it thus making it useless as  a treatment. It can even weaken the immune system more posing more threat to the patients health. Whereas the holistic treatment is broad including exercise programs, diet, sleep and other natural ways of treatment.

But remember, not one treatment can solve everything at once. It will be better to utilize all possible ways, try what you think is best for you and eventually end up yeast infection free once more.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 14, 2012 at 1:00 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: ,

What can you eat on a candida diet?

Question by Brokn: What can you eat on a candida diet?
I don’t think I could survive more than a day or two with just meat and green leafy veggies but as a kid we took so much tetracycline that I think I should give the diet a try and see if I feel better.

Best answer:

Answer by Yogesh G

Most of Candia diets restrict the amount of carbs to about 20 to 60 grams per day

Breads are omitted because they represent carbohydrates as wel as yeast
An acceptable bread would be Indian flat breads (Roti) made of durum whole-grain flour, followed by Corn Tortilla from Mexico.

Dairy products are normally avoided due to high fats. However one cup of fat-free natural plain yogurt with live culture can be helpful.

You can leafy vegetables: spinach, collard green, mustard greens, lettuce. In addition, eat broccoli, Green and Red bell peppers, celery.

One must avoid foods that contain sugar, honey or jaggery.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 9, 2012 at 1:27 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: ,

How do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? Or just for like a month or something?

Question by sue11horse: how do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? or just for like a month or something?
how long do i give up sugar? and how do i get the flakes out of my hair! help me!

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda L
Candida is a fungal infection….it depends on where you have it but treatment is very easy…

If it’s in your mouth, it’s thrush and they have an oral medication. If it’s on your feet, it’s athlete’s foot which can be treated with a powder or cream.

Otherwise, Flagyl is an oral antibiotic used to treat fungal infections. Sometime in as little as on dose.

Call your MD.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 8, 2012 at 1:35 pm

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