Archive for December, 2012

is it common for a baby to have thrush in his mouth?

Question by Dani Mom: is it common for a baby to have thrush in his mouth?
my baby is six month old now. he is lealthy with no problem. but when he was two months, i notices some thick white thrushes on his mouth specially on his tongue. i used Nistatine to clean them and then they gone. But i was just reading an article which was about autistic babies with candida and yeast infections. I do not know if these thrushes was also a kind of thoses candia or not? please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Corasmom
It’s super common to have thrush, and lots of people have candida, too, without being autistic.

Thrush is treated with nystatin liquid in the baby’s mouth, and nystatin ointment on your nipples, because otherwise you’ll just pass it back and forth when baby eats!  Go to the doctor, and get the prescription, and it’s no big deal.  Or, go to the health food store and get gentian violet (ask them how to use it, it’s easy).

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 20, 2012 at 2:23 pm

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Q&A: I read a website that says candida is linked to endometriosis and…?

Question by Lu: I read a website that says candida is linked to endometriosis and…?
if you clear up candida, you will clear up endometriosis. Does anyone have experience with this?

Best answer:

Answer by Tired of TTC!!
I have endometriosis and I have never had a yeast infection but to my knowledge one has nothing to do with the other. When I found out I had endometriosis it was after waking up from a tubal ligation reversal. My periods were getting heavier and more uncomfortable and I had no idea why. In any case, that surgery was in April 2008 and I have still never had a yeast infection. Endometriosis is from your body not shedding everything properly when you get your period. Yeast infections are from an overgrowth of yeast in your body. Though I would say that even if it has no effect on endometriosis it is better to get rid of yeast infections and keep them from coming back if possible. The best thing to do would be to eat yogurts like Activia every day and take some form of acidophilus too (I take fem-dophilus, which works great to keep both yeast infections and bacterial infections away).

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 19, 2012 at 1:21 pm

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What is the meaning of Candida?

Question by Sanju: What is the meaning of Candida?
I want to know about the “candida”.Please help me to find the exact answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Sebastien
Candida is a type of yeast. It’s normal to find on the skin and in the vagina. It becomes a problem when too much of it grows or it gets into the blood.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 14, 2012 at 2:35 pm

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I am on a yeast free diet.Can I eat bananas and oranges?

Question by Karenza: I am on a yeast free diet.Can I eat bananas and oranges?
I have just started a yeast free diet to try and eliminate Candida. I need to know if it OK to eat bananas, oranges, and other fruits as I have been told that I must avoid sugar. I would also be grateful if anyone knows of a good website that can provide me with a list of yeast free foods.
Many thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Island Spirit
Fruit does not contain yeast. Whole foods do not contain yeast.

Processed foods such as baked foods such as bread, cakes and specifically brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast, beer, cheese. Not whole foods.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 13, 2012 at 2:23 pm

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Q&A: Can you get your period while treating a yeast infection?

Question by Sgath: Can you get your period while treating a yeast infection?
I appeared to have gotten a yeast infection about a week or so, i left it for about 3 days before i went and got medication. On the second of three days of treatment I noticed there was blood in my discharge. Yesterday being the third day of treatment there was only a little bit of blood and today there is still blood. Is this normal?

Best answer:

Answer by Angelkat
Yes. There is no reason your body would skip your period on account of a yeast infection. Menses sensation can occur for things like super low body weight or high stress levels, but a yeast infection would not be considered anything that stressful.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 12, 2012 at 2:56 pm

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Conventional And Contemporary Yeast Infection Treatments

This article will talk about the 3 main categories of candida yeast infections treatment, these are:

Over the Counter Treatment (OTC)

The first two, OTC and prescribed medication, are deemed conventional. The 3rd one is considered as holistic. It is a complimentary or an alternative treatment method that has holistic referring to the whole treatment of a particular person. That case, it deals with the entire treatment of the yeast infection and takes into consideration all the possible causes, the entire lifestyle of the patient, as well as the medical history and every positive change that the patient can make to their lifestyle so as to come up with a long lasting solution to the permanent elimination of the illness.

Traditional treatments could be deemed inadequate, given that they deal with only the apparent symptoms and not the real cause. They are considered to just patch over such problem. That said, the possibility of a failed treatment. More to these, the recurrence will be higher if the root cause of the problem is not addressed properly.

OTC could be bought directly from your pharmacist without having to consult your doctor, and of course, no prescription. This includes lozenges, lotions, ointment, as well as creams.

Prescription treatments are typically taken into consideration in an event the OTC’s will not be successful. These prescription treatments are generally more powerful and stronger. The problem with these kinds of treatment is the fact that you could develop resistance to them. Also, these drug treatments are not natural. That said, they tend to disturb your body’s natural balance. They could bring about damage to your internal organs, and you could end up with a weaker immune system. A weak immune system comes with the possibilities of a reduced ability of your body to fight infection. This could only mean that there is more probability of the yeast infection recurring into the long term.

You should certainly look into this when you are on the lookout for effective treatment for your yeast infection.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - December 10, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , ,

Q&A: What harm can come from a yeast infection?

Question by bakedtatah: What harm can come from a yeast infection?
I’ve had a yeast infection for almost a month, and i’ve tried several things to get rid of it. But nothing.
Is it bad to leave it untreated? Its not itchy and it doesn’t hurt.. Its just the discharge and cotton cheese look to it. (sorry tmi)
Any answers are very much appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Rhianna_Returns
Leaving it would cause quite a lot of discomfort. If you have tried using anti-yeast preparations but they have not worked then there is a chance that it is not thrush that you have. You could have another infection. The best thing would be for you to see your Doctor. He will take swabs and then provide treatment accordingly.

Most yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans. However, 1 in 10 bouts of thrush are caused by other strains of Candida such as Candida glabrata. This type of thrush may not respond to the usual anti-thrush medicines. If this is the case, your Doctor can give you appropriate treatment.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 9, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,

Q&A: I have candida. What can I eat besides meats and veggies?

Question by krazyladee: I have candida. What can I eat besides meats and veggies?
I don’t have vaginal or oral candida. It’s internal. What can I eat. I’m starving!

Best answer:

Answer by healthwriter
Colon cleansing may be helpful to help you “cleanse” of unwanted toxins. You need to take probiotics to improve gut flora. Probiotics can be found in yoghurt or in capsule or powder form from the pharmacy.

For more information on how best to have good gut health, refer to this site

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 8, 2012 at 2:24 pm

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Q&A: How does having a yeast infection affect my partner?

Question by Mia Anne *6.6.09*: How does having a yeast infection affect my partner?
If I have a yeast infection/ am getting over a yeast infection, does that affect my partner? Can the guy catch anything from me?

Best answer:

Answer by Rukh

It’s very rare for him to catch something just by going down on you, unless he’s down there for hours. He must not do it often or he would have told you it was getting funky and you could have been checked out sooner.

During intercourse its possible for the yeast to enter through his urethra. The chances of spreading the infection to the partner depends on the severity of the infection and the frequency of unprotected sex.

It can cause the symptom of “Burning during urination” which can be mistaken for a UTI (Urinary Track Infection) or STD until he can visit a doctor and have a simple urinalysis test to identify the culture growth.

If you have a yeast infection (or are still recovering from one) you need to tell your partner(s) so that (if they start feeling symptoms) they can get checked out and have some idea what to expect. If you don’t tell him he may go to the doctor’s assuming he has a normal UTI, and the doc is lazy (or your partner insist “no need for test”) and just provides antibiotics without testing, the problem will just get worse. Normal antibiotics are not designed to affect yeast, they requier a different treatment than UTIs.

He may just jump to the conclusion that his burning symptom is an STD and assume you’ve been cheating on him. He’ll be more likely to assume an STD if he already took antibiotics for a UTI and they didn’t work because (like above) he didn’t have the urinalysis done.

You need to tell your partner(s) every time you get (or think your getting) a yeast infection so that they know what’s really going on and that you don’t create an atmosphere of mistrust in the relationship. Mature guys will understand and know that yeast infections can manifest under a variety of conditions (she’s taking antibiotics, using tampons, has hormone/biochemical changes, etc.) and are a common (and usually harmless) occurance for women.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 2, 2012 at 2:23 pm

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Why does the body make white discharge when you get a yeast infection?

Question by : Why does the body make white discharge when you get a yeast infection?
I just recently got a yeast infection, and I realized that many websites and how most doctors diagnose if you have a yeast infection is if the woman has thick cottage cheese like discharge. But i’m wondering is why the body makes this type of discharge when you have a yeast infection? and why does it smell like fish, and or bad typically when you have one.

Best answer:

Answer by Q
The body doesn’t make the discharge–the “discharge” is actually the yeast, which is an independent fungus that lives in your vagina. It’s always there, but when it grows to amounts larger than normal, they call it a yeast infection. Because it’s grown in large enough numbers, it becomes visible as the white cottage cheese-like substance.

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Posted by Treat Candida - December 1, 2012 at 2:35 pm

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