Archive for January, 2013

Q&A: Should I treat a yeast infection if I only have one symptom?

Question by liz n: Should I treat a yeast infection if I only have one symptom?
I am 8 months pregnant, I just treated a yeast infection a month ago with Monistat 3, and it worked fine. My only symptom is itching. I do not want to pay for the doctor to test for a yeast infection. So should I assume it is a yeast infection and treat it with Monistat again since it has worked before?

Best answer:

Answer by none n
Well, you COULD – but I’d call the doctor first to make sure it’s okay, and they don’t want to check you just to be safe.

You might not have one, you could be producing a lot of discharge, which can seriously irritate your delicate parts.

They sell yeast infection test kits around the same area. Ask the pharmacist if you don’t see it.

But the bottom line is, call the doctor anyway. At this stage you don’t want to take the liberty to self-medicate with anything.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 31, 2013 at 1:56 pm

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Whats the best way to keep a yeast infection away while pregnant?

Question by Danielle H: Whats the best way to keep a yeast infection away while pregnant?
I am 20 weeks pregnant and I have a yeast infection. I went to the obgyn and they said to put creams on it and eat lots of yogurt, but most the time the creams don’t help. I was also wondering how much yogurt I should eat a day to help keep it away?

Best answer:

Answer by mommeof3
You may want to look into taking a probiotic. They are available in the vitamin section of most drug stores. Probiotics contain the active cultures that are in yogurt. Raspberry leaf tea (health food store), not raspberry flavored tea, also is good at keeping down yeast infections. Eating a couple of servings of an organic yogurt with live cultures is still a good idea even for the extra calcium, I like Stoneybrook farms. Cranberries are another help with infections. Good luck

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 30, 2013 at 1:24 pm

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Preventing The Dreaded Yeast Infection

Many patients diagnosed with yeast infection are living very uncomfortable lives, and it’s not a big surprise that many of them are always looking for just about anything that will, by some means, relieve the pain and discomfort that come with Candida.

Prevention is always better than cure, you have probably heard of that, a lot of time for that matter. If you were health-conscious in the first place, you wouldn’t have been infected. Yes?

Among the steps you can take in preventing Candida is getting rid of underwear that are made from synthetic materials such as nylon or polyester. Such materials aren’t very good at absorbing sweat and they tend to hinder airflow, hence causing yeast cells to thrive even more. And in an event you badly need to don pantyhose, pick ones that have a cotton panel for it to absorb moisture as you sweat. Also, stay away from panty liners as they are also one of the leading causes for yeast infection. If situation really calls for it, then at least go for breathable ones.

You’re also not supposed to don tight-fitting pants or shorts since they pave way for sweating. Keep in mind that yeasts love damp or moist environment. Additionally, if borrowing pieces of clothing from others is a habit hard to break, well, you should knock it off right now as it just makes you prone to catching an infection. Moreover, see to it that all the pieces of clothing you are wearing are clean.

When cleaning your private parts, see to it that you follow a front-to-back pattern. If not, you’ll just be transferring the bacteria from your anus to your vagina. You don’t want that happening, do you? Rid yourself of scented sanitary napkins and bubble baths, considering these products typically contain hash chemicals that might disturb the normal pH balance of your private area. Furthermore, douching is a no-no as it only cause the vaginal mucous to be dry, which can be totally damaging to your inner membrane. These damages can be a ground for the thriving of yeast infection and it can bring about pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and also severe itching.

These are just among the simplest forms of hygienic measures you have to take into consideration and begin practicing. Be always watchful with what is happening to your body and health. Otherwise, Candida yeast infection will creep up on you and bite you in the butt.

Related Yeast Infection Articles


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Posted by Olivia Walker - January 29, 2013 at 1:36 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , ,

Can i mix monistat 3 with Plain yogurt for my yeast infection?

Question by Alex Edmondson: Can i mix monistat 3 with Plain yogurt for my yeast infection?
I have a yeast infection and it’s almost gone but i was wondering if it would be more effective to mix yogurt and the monistat suppository. I have also been taking 1000 mg of Oderless Garlic and have eaten some yogurt. I have been watching what i eat and have been drinking lots of water.
It’s not to eat -_- it’s to put up there! Yogurt is okay to use inside your vagina for yeast infections and so is monistat so my question was can i mix them, NOT TO EAT THEM.

Best answer:

Answer by sugar-glider queen

Yes you absolutely can.

Here is what you should do: use the medication at night, apply yogurt down there for a couple hours sometime during the day. I wouldn’t put them both at the same time (I don’t know why but my MIL is a nurse and said not to)~ do it separately.

Be sure the yogurt is Plain and not flavored.
Also, It would also help you to eat some of the yogurt and even take acidophilus which has the same stuff yogurt does. (if you are on antibiotics and that is why you got the yeast infection then wait to take the acidophilus until you are done with the antibiotics, taking them together will lessen the effects of antibiotics.)

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 26, 2013 at 1:54 pm

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How do fungi become resistant to fluconazole?

Question by Tim S: How do fungi become resistant to fluconazole?
By fungi, I mean pathogenic fungi such as Candida albicans

Best answer:

Answer by Marilyn
The link below will take you to a discussion web site where you will also find Definition of Fluconazole Resistance, Prevention of Fluconazole-Resistant Candidiasis and Recommended Therapy for Fluconazole-Resistant Candidiasis.

Mechanisms for Fluconazole Resistance

Fluconazole exerts its action on the fungal membrane by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, the predominant sterol in the fungal cell membrane[6]. Specifically, fluconazole blocks a step in the conversion of squalene to ergosterol by inhibiting the fungal cytochrome P-450 enzyme 14 alpha-demethylase (Figure 1)[6]. This inhibitory action prevents fungal cell replication and causes a build-up of lanosterol and other ergosterol precursors in the fungal cell membrane. The abnormalities in the fungal cell membrane eventually lead to cell death. The selective action of fluconazole for fungal cell membranes occurs because human cells use cholesterol, not ergosterol, for the synthesis of cell membranes. Resistance to fluconazole can develop as a result of an alteration in the target enzyme 14 alpha-demethylase (change in binding site or overexpression of the enzyme) or from enhanced drug efflux caused by plasma membrane transporters (Figure 2)[6,7,8,9,10]; many of the strains of fluconazole-resistant Candida species display multiple mechanisms of resistance[7].

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 25, 2013 at 1:25 pm

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How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?

Question by bee: How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?
39 weeks pregnant on monistat for a yeast infection. Exactly how much does DIET effect the outcome of yeast infections? Can it really keep medicine from taking effect?

Best answer:

Answer by Doodlestuff
I read recently that for about 25% of people with chronic yeast infections, eliminating sugar and starch items in the diet is necessary to aid medicine in eliminating chronic, recurring yeast infections.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

How long after starting an antibiotic does a yeast infection occur?

Question by Paintmyselfgreen: How long after starting an antibiotic does a yeast infection occur?
I just started an antibiotic on Saturday afternoon, and I began experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection on Sunday. I am curious as to if symptoms would appear this quickly?

Best answer:

Answer by Beery

It’s definitely possible. Yeast is always present, but the natural bacteria on the genitals normally keep it controlled. As soon as the antibiotic entered your system it started to kill bacteria and the yeast would have begun to get entrenched and ready to make a serious an assault on your body. If your diet at the time was high in sugars, the yeast would be well fed and able to start growing at a good rate.

A good way to keep yeast at bay during antibiotic use is to cut out all sugars. I don’t know why doctors don’t advise patients of this. Perhaps because they are all about pills and procedures and not thinking about unintended consequences of treatment and how diet can affect their prescriptions.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 20, 2013 at 1:03 pm

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I am on my last day of treatment and I still have a yeast infection?

Question by Jessica D: I am on my last day of treatment and I still have a yeast infection?
I have been using the off brand Monistat 7 and tonight is my last dose but I still have a yeast infection. Can someone please tell me what the most effective way of treating a yeast infection is and how to prevent them? I am open to home remedies as well. Also, what causes yeast infections. I know antibiotics can because I get one every time I am on antibiotics but what else causes them?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa

As you may already know, candida, the bacteria that causes yeast infections lives in the vagina. There is always a small amount of it but because the vagina itself is acidic with a Ph between 3-4 it is controlled, and doesnt bother at all. Ok, so you know about antibiotics, but any other factor (like soap, ovulation, condoms or any type of birth control ) that changes your vaginas Ph and makes it less acid is giving the candida a environment that is perfect for it to grow.

Now about the remedy, give the monistat some time to work, but I recommend you to take Some Apple cider vinegar dilute it in some fresh water and sit on that mixture, in a tub or in a bucket, allowing your legs to be just a little open. Believe me THIS WORKS.
Do it at often as you can :)
Hope I helped!

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 19, 2013 at 1:28 pm

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How do you stop yeast infections from recurring?

Question by …Ms Independent…: How do you stop yeast infections from recurring?
I had a yeast infection in January. I went to the doctor because I wanted to take the pill instead of the cream which requires a prescription. Eventually it went away.

After awhile I notice right before my period I would itch only at the top of my vagina on the outer lip. I notice it was soar and saw what looked like little paper cuts. I went to the doctor and he said its normal for some women to get it right before their period.

I dont think this is normal and I wanna know if any women out there has had this problem and how did she handle it.

Best answer:

Answer by JannahLee
Hi – Well, your Dr is right, in a way. It is fairly common to have an occurrence of yeast infection before your period. You are going through hormonal changes and body changes that shift the flora of the vagina. A few things might help. No deodorant vaginal sprays, douches or kotex/tampons. Wear cotton underwear, Don’t wear a pad or shield all the time – it acts like a diaper holding moisture against your body. Use mild soaps that are not highly perfumed in the genital area. Don’t wear tight jeans all the time as that doesn’t allow air circulation. Sleep without underwear when you aren’t on your period. Try probiotics – or at least yogurt to help balance out your system – try to keep sugar under control in those days before your period.
The other thing you might want to be sure of is that it is yeast. There are other things that come and go and itch that should be ruled out. Good luck

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm

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How do I get rid of the yeast infection without a doctor?

Question by Mackenzie Wallace: How do I get rid of the yeast infection without a doctor?
Hi, I’m only 14 years old, and I think I might have the yeast infection in my vagina..I do NOT want to go to the doctor or tell anyone about it. I just want it to go away. Does anyone know how to get rid of it without drugs, creams, or powders or anything?! PLEASE HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by Mickey
Monistat- buy this at the store.

Wear cotton underwear and eat yogurt.

It may be beneficial to see a doctor if you get another yeast infection; they can prescribe an oral tablet that rids the infection.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 11, 2013 at 1:35 pm

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