Archive for March, 2013

can you take castor oil while on probiotics?

Question by xxno identityxx: can you take castor oil while on probiotics?
would the castor oil, taking it as a laxative, flush out the good bacteria too though?
oh yh, and can castor oil flush out an overgrowth of yeast- candida?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. T
Yes, castor oil (taken orally) will flush out the good bacteria simply because it typically causes diarrhea.

Yes, taking probiotics afterward will help to replete the proper flora. I’d advise that you take the probiotics about 2 hours after the castor oil.

No, castor will not have a significant impact on candida (yeast overgrowth) directly. Note that depleting the good bacteria can give the candida a competitive edge, so if there is a candida issue the probiotic is really important.

Final note – occasionally using castor oil to treat constipation is fine. But it’s not a good option for recurring problems.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 26, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

Q&A: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?

Question by Kathryn Brooks: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?
Hi I was wondering what brand of yogurt is good and works for a yeast infection and the best way to insert it into vagina. Should I put it in with fingers? Should I dip a tampon in the yogurt then put it in or could I fill a tampon applicator with yogurt, freeze it, then insert it?

Thanks for all answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Monica

I wouldn’t use yogurt for yeast infections. Where did you hear that from? My doctor told me drinking cranberry juice is good for the bladder and infections. As home remedy this may be a good choice to go for.

For a more formal and better treatment, you can just go to your local pharmacy and buy an over the counter medicine for yeast infections. Many women have problems like these. So finding these products shouldn’t be difficult. I would ask someone who works their to help you find it.

As someone that has a vagina, I know that douching can cause yeast infections because it kills all the bacteria even the ones that help clean the vagina. It also increases your chances of getting yeast infections. Many doctors would advise you against using a douchebag because it causes a lot of problems such as yeast infections.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 25, 2013 at 1:23 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

is douching bad for candida infection?

Question by : is douching bad for candida infection?
I was looking up symptoms for a vaginal problem I was having and it seems I have candida infection aka yeast infection.
I was able to locate the items I needed to buy (monistat/miconazole) but I was wondering if douching would irritate it more?
I’m making a doctor’s appt in the mean time.

Best answer:

Answer by navyboy763
Douching is bad in general, it interrupts the PH balance in your vagina.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 25, 2013 at 1:21 pm

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what happens if you leave your yeast infection?

Question by Teresa Osorio: what happens if you leave your yeast infection?
my friend had a yeast infection and she never bothered to treat it, she had it for months now. do you think that’s why her waist hurts or is it because she caught an infection?

Best answer:

Answer by Danielle D
There’s no way she has had a yeast infection for months. First of all, that would make her completely crazy – the pain and the itchiness are too much to bear. Secondly, yeast infections are self-limiting, meaning that they usually clear up around the time you have your period.

Finally, no STD is going to make your “waist” hurt.

All that being said, if she’s still having problems, she needs to see a doctor. No one is going to diagnose her on Yahoo! Answers.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 21, 2013 at 1:34 pm

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Q&A: Is this the start of a yeast infection?

Question by cherryrosebud13: Is this the start of a yeast infection?
I used to get yeast infections ALL THE TIME! But I haven’t had one in a while and I kind of forget what it’s like. Well I found out on the 25th of July that I am pregnant. Last night I woke up at about 4 or so in the morning and went to the bathroom, I looked in my panties and there is a big circle [probably as big as a nickel] that was brown to yellow in color and it’s there when I wipe. It had no bad odor [ i know it doesn’t always] and I have no other symptoms {i know you don’t have to} Is this a yeast infection starting?? I am really nervous because I don’t have an appointment with my doctor til the 24th of this month. Should I try to go to my normal doctor for this? Will a yeast infection harm my fetus if I can’t get to the doctor for a couple days or a week? Can anyone give me some reassurance?? Thank you!
I’m not taking any kind of medication because some can harm the baby, I am not diagnosing myself with anything and trying to treat it with over the counter medicine. I was also thinking maybe my body is just cleansing itself out or something. I am definitly going to give the doctor a call.
Honestly, how can a dark yellow be old blood. It’s not old blood, because it’s not a red brown, it’s a dark yellow brown. I am just going to go to the hospital.

Best answer:

Answer by s0_blessed
Brown would indicate dried blood. It is common to have a tiny bit of spotting in the first trimester. It doesn’t sound like a yeast infection. I would call your doctor and tell him/her about the spotting, but minimal spotting like that is probably nothing. I’ve been through a healthy pregnancy with some spotting and had spotting in my 2nd pregnancy turn out to be a molar pregnancy. I wouldn’t worry, just let your doctor know.

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 20, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Can you get a yeast infection in the anus or rectum?

Question by Cherrigirl22: Can you get a yeast infection in the anus or rectum?
I am kind of wondering about something. I went to have my rectum checked for hemorrhoids and my doctor said she did not find any. However, my anus is swollen. Is it possible that my rectum could have a yeast infection? Can there be an overgrowth of candida in my rectum and anus? Just wondering.

Best answer:

Answer by d
Yes, it is possible but a swab of the area would give you a definite answer. This is important as dermatitis and other skin conditions can also give similar symptoms. Also if it is thrush/yeast/candida you need to look for a reason why you have it – recent antibiotic use/ recent corticosteroid use/ diabetes/ excessive sweating etc

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 19, 2013 at 1:08 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

How should I tell my OBGYN that I think I have a yeast infection?

Question by Cory: How should I tell my OBGYN that I think I have a yeast infection?
So I’m 18 and I think I have a yeast infection and I’m seeing my OBGYN tomorrow about my birth control. How should I bring up/tell her that I think I have a yeast infection. It’s kind of embarrassing having to ask if I have it. I’m too embarrassed to even tell my mom.

Best answer:

Answer by *Blush*
Just ask what the symptoms of a yeast infection are. They will explain it and then either ask why or wait for you to tell them you think you have one. They may or may not need to do an exam and take a swab, but they can also recommend some treatments that will help. Most are OTC

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 12, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,