Archive for May, 2013

How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?

Question by Emma C: How to tell vaginal discharge from a yeast infection?
I have sometimes white and sometimes yellow but it doesn’t smell bad or like anything at all. I don’t know if it is a yeast infection or not but I am too embarrassed to tell my mom. I have had it for a while and I think it might be my period coming. Please help me!!! I am so worried

Best answer:

Answer by sokokl
Discharge for a yeast infection is usually clumpy like cottage cheese. Some women also will notice itching and redness.

Because you have had it for a while and aren’t noticing any other symptoms it does sound like your period could be coming soon.

I know you are embarrassed to tell your mom about this but she really needs to know about this so that she can help you keep an eye on the situation.

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Posted by Treat Candida - May 1, 2013 at 1:21 pm

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