Archive for July, 2013

Rashes Due To Yeast Infection

A lot of people get the wrong notion that in yeast infection, women are the only ones experiencing rashes. Yeast infection rashes could also hit men and even infants. Truth be told, infants are more likely to have since they generally have weaker immune system.

Candida albicans, being among the normal microorganisms found in the body, have many useful functions. They are normally able to recognize and get rid of bad bacteria, so they are more beneficial than harmful. But in an event our system goes out of hand because of poor diet, stress, unhygienic practices, and the like, Candida also goes out of control and tend to overgrow. And when you are actually infected, one of the common symptoms is rashes that can appear pretty much anywhere in the body.

One of the most common parts of the body in which it shows up is the genital area, but it’s all up to those microorganisms where they want to appear. However, you should always take into consideration that the location of the rashes where yeast cells manifest themselves is practically irrelevant. In dealing with Candida yeast infection, identifying the root cause is key.

Myriads of affected people typically think this. They try to treat the condition with merely applying topical medication on the yeast infection rashes. Although this can provide instant relief and delivers very well just when you need it most, it will only be temporary. Keep in mind that imbalance in your system is what caused Candida yeast infection, so the focus should always be internal.

Anything that you put inside your body will eventually have an effect on the balance of bodily microorganisms, and when you are eating the right stuff, this is a food way to eventually get rid of yeast infection, and the rashes that come with it.

If you have Candida and you’re still not doing anything about it, you might want to start with your diet to gain back the balance it lost. Pay a visit your doctor as soon as possible, though.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 31, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Pregnant and Suffering From Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection during Pregnancy

In your life, you probably have gotten a yeast infection at some point, or what is also called Candida albicans. Your vagina and urinary tract are usually affected, but it may also affect other parts. This happens to a lot of young women for the most part, so it comes as no surprise to catch it during your pregnancy. It doesn’t really differ from that when you were in your teenage years, but this time, your hormones are raging and out of control.

If you happen to be a yeast infection virgin, and now that you have it during your pregnancy, this could actually just be a mild yeast infection. Nevertheless, if you habitually have yeast infections, you must pay a visit tour gynecologist as soon as you can so he or she will be able to diagnose if you deal with something worse than just a simple yeast infection.

You might have come across facts about the pains of yeast infection, things like crazy itching and you have to rub it until it turns red, you might feel some burning sensation as you urinate. That being said, you should have your urine tested so as to be sure you’re not suffering from a bladder infection.

The female population is not the only ones that are plagued with yeast infection, men are just as unlucky. This happens usually when they are on antibiotics or when the immune system is weak and feeble. Candida symptoms would tend to surface when this happens.

In case you know very well that what you’re experiencing is just a yeast infection during pregnancy, you can try some over the counter creams to treat acute Candida symptoms.

If you happen to be pregnant and don’t know how to go about treating your Candida symptoms, go ahead and visit your doctor to know which medications to resort to. You must do this in order to avoid risking the health of your baby.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 29, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Candida Diet Before Candida Cleanse?

One of the best ways to prevent overgrowth of Candida yeast is Candida cleanse. A Candida cleanse is defined as a detoxification process that aids one’s body to rid itself of toxins while maintaining the growth of the yeast that lives within body. Nevertheless, before you decide to pursue this detoxification process, you must consult a doctor first. There are people who suffer from withdrawals during or after the detoxification process which is why consulting a doctor is essential.

The best way to begin with the detoxification process is by following a Candida diet first. The diet typically calls for you to avoid sweet, starchy foods besides foods that contain yeast and a lot of sugar. You may eat plenty of vegetables that are starch-free in your diet. Some of the most best vegetables for those plagued with the condition include onions, radish, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, summer squash, garlic, zucchini, cauliflower and turnip. Eat fresh meat, fish and eggs with high-protein content. Plain yoghurt and probiotics are also ideal for those who have Candida as they contain good bacteria that are highly-capable of battling the yeast present in one’s body.

You may also take into consideration drinking herbal teas since they have anti-toxin properties, making them a great addition to your Candida cleanse. Herbs such as ginger, licorice, lemongrass, clove and cinnamon contain anti-fungal elements that aid in fighting Candida.

You can also go for spices like oregano, cumin, paprika, turmeric, rosemary, basil, black pepper and thyme as part of your Candida diet. Detoxifying your body will back you up in keeping the Candida yeast in control and will also keep your system clean and healthy. Have a strict routine for yourself and try sticking to it.

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Posted by Treat Candida - July 12, 2013 at 2:23 pm

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Candida Natural Home Remedies

Candidiasis may be a pain in the neck to deal with. However, if you have the right resources, it may be cured by a number of home remedies, some of which are as follows:

1. You may opt for aromatherapy to treat an infection caused by candida. You may go for tea tree or cinnamon bark essential oils to cure candidiasis. Such oils generally work on the cell membrane of the infectious yeast cells and expose its cell contents to harsh environmental conditions, thus making it hard for the organisms to survive.

2. You may also make use of peppermint oil as infusion to treat an infection caused by candida.

3. You could use rosemary oil on the affected areas, thanks to its anti-fungal properties.

4. Olive leaves contain antimicrobial properties. Because of this, an extract of olive leaves may be applied on the parts of body affected by candida.

5. You could utilized Aloe Vera gel and apply on the affected areas to relieve the symptoms of candidiasis.

6. This is not new anymore. You can eat raw garlic every day or use it in culinary preparations as garlic has anti-fungal properties. You could even apply freshly extracted garlic juice on the affected areas to treat the candida.

7. You could also use barberry extract on the affected areas to target the yeast cells and thus curing the infection.

8. You could also add lavender oil or flower extract to your bath water in order to cure the ailment. You also have the option to use lavender essential oil to serve this purpose.

9. You can use oregano oil to naturally treat infections caused by candida.

10. You may also apply highly diluted thyme oil to cure the ailment.

All of these treatment alternatives for Candida yeast infection are actually available in the household or supermarkets. However, you should still see your doctor and ask for guidance.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 8, 2013 at 2:45 pm

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