Archive for August, 2013

Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization for Yeast Infections

Have you heardabout a certain thing called Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD)? It was developed by Len McEwen, M.D. (London) in the mid-60’s. The latest form of this treatment is known as Low Dose Allergens or LDA.

In this particular treatment the patients will be given up to three injections every two months and for a max period of two years, and it depends on the response of the patient to the therapy. The enzymes should enhance the candida infection strength and could treat many other groups of allergens along the way.

In a span of ten days before the first injection, the patients will be given Sporanox. This is an anti-fungal for systematic candida, and De-Nol an anti- gastric ulcer agent that lessens the capacity of candida to plant its roots in the mucus linings of the gastrointestinal tract.

For about 3 days prior to the injection, patients go through a semi-fast wherein they must keep from consuming any food allergen combined with the intake of the following supplements that improve the effectiveness of the EPD treatment: Zinc, Folic acid and Vitamin D3.

The reaction of the EPD treatment for candida yeast infection differs among patients. Some patients could experience sudden and drastic changes that wear off in time whereas some require increased doses through longer intervals up to the point where improvement is maintained.

Either way, EPD is not considered as a permanent solution for candida. EPD is a one-dimensional treatment that zeroes in merely on the dietary and allergy reaction factor that may being about candida overgrowth. EPDs effects go away in time and if you have very noticeable gut problems, bacterial infections, parasites or systematic candida, EPD might not be effective.


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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 29, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Hygienic Practices To Steer Clear of Candida Yeast Infection

A lot of yeast infection patients are living very uncomfortable lives, and it’s no surprise that a lot of them are always on the lookout for just about anything that will somehow relieve the pain and discomfort that come with Candida.

Prevention is always better than cure, though. If you were health-conscious in the first place, you wouldn’t have been infected.

Among the measures to take in preventing Candida is steering clear of underwear that are made out of synthetic materials such as nylon or polyester. Such materials aren’t very good at absorbing sweat and they tend to hinder airflow, thus causing yeast cells to thrive even more. And in an event you badly need to don pantyhose, pick ones that have a cotton panel for it to absorb moisture as you sweat. And if possible, stay away from panty liners as they are also one of the leading causes for yeast infection. If you really have to, then at least go for breathable ones.

You are also no supposed to wear tight-fitting pants or shorts since they pave way for sweating. Keep in mind that yeasts love damp or moist environment. More to these, if borrowing pieces of clothing from others is your thing, well, you should cut it out as soon as now as it just makes you prone to catching an infection. Also make sure that all the pieces of clothing you are wearing are clean.

As you clean your private parts, make sure that you follow a front-to-back pattern. Otherwise, you’ll just be transferring the bacteria from your anus to your vagina. Avoid using scented sanitary napkins and bubble baths since these products typically contain hash chemicals that might disturb the normal pH balance of your private area. Furthermore, douching is never a good practice as it only cause the vaginal mucous to be dry, thus damaging your inner membrane. Such damages can be a ground for the thriving of yeast infection and it can cause pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and also severe itching.

These are just among the basics of hygienic measures you have to practice. Be always conscious with your body and health. Otherwise, it’s you who will be suffering from the dreaded Candida yeast infection anyway.

Related Yeast Infection Articles

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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Candida Feeds On Sugar

Challenges are inevitable in life, and the greatest rewards come from the most effort, be it physical, emotional or mental. Being in control of a Candida infection will call for mental strength to say no to the cravings and pull through with the detox phase, emotional strength to set feelings aside and take the bigger view of health and freedom in mind, as well as the physical strength to adjust to this better way of lifestyle.

I’ll tell you what we’re really dealing with, it’s all about the detox phase, or in other words, freedom. Let’s admit it, everything in life is best done one step at a time. What I’m trying to say is: have you ever stopped eating your favorite sugar-coated treats altogether? How long did it last? How about you prepare by really understanding what’s really bound to happen in this new chapter of your life?

There are so many ways to master Candida, but all of them have these steps in common: eliminate the food Candida feeds on. Yup, that means sugar, but don’t wear that long face just yet, I’m no slave-driver and I swear by cookies myself. However, you can rebuild your health to keep that little monster in its proper place.

More often than not, starving the Candida yeast means steering clear of every type of sugar, if not totally cutting sugar from your diet. Are you ready to crush your candida infection and live the life you deserve? Then stay away from sugar!


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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 16, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Naturally Treat Yeast Infection


Among the most reoccurring diseases are infections. That happens when a microorganism other than the normal body flora is increasing in number that poses threat to the health of a person. It usually thrives in moist areas like the mouth and the vagina, considering it is very suitable for the bacteria to multiply. These yeast infections have different types and various names.

The popular examples include oral thrush, urinary tract infection, fungal infections, to name a few. If you sense about being infected then you should act on it. Go to your trusted doctor, get yourself assessed, diagnosed and then talk about treatment options most suitable for your condition.

The treatment for yeast infection can include the use of home developed preparations and even over the counter medications with a doctor’s prescription. For the most part, yeast infection remedies are topical

They are usually in little tubes with the cream applied directly on the affected areas. There are those that are in the form of in tablets and capsules to be taken in with the right dosage. These were made in chemical laboratories of pharmaceutical companies that promises desirable solutions to your dilemma.

Nevertheless, if you want to go for treating yourself the natural way, then you can opt for homemade mixtures that may involve baking soda, yogurt, vinegar, water and different kinds of oil to ease the pain or itching.

Furthermore, aside from using those artificial solutions you can help yourself by changing your usual routines too. Steer clear of bubble baths, vaginal douching, feminine wash and uncomfortable undergarments. This could actually aggravate your condition rather than keep them at bay.

Since this infection affects private body parts, people have the tendency to feel ashamed of it, so they tend to postpone consultations with a doctor. Women are actually the usual victims of this infection and it is indeed very common. This is widely accepted in the society and must be taken seriously to avoid adding insult to injury.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 11, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , ,