Archive for September, 2013

Quick Cure For Yeast Infection

Women are the ones most likely to catch yeast infection due to the nature of their biology. Moist and warm places attract yeast, and they hide and host in there, spreading and causing an infection. Heavy drinkers and diabetics are also predisposed to yeast infection. Here are some things you can use in treating yeast infection.

Hydrogen peroxide can actually be used to make a douche. Add in 2 caps of hydrogen peroxide to a quart of warm water, or you could add a couple of caps of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water and soak. Remember that the vagina is self-cleansing. Once the yeast infection has cleared up, you need not douche regularly.

Garlic is also very effective on yeast infection. You can just insert a clove of garlic into the vagina, and do so every few hours. Do this for at least 2 days and say goodbye to yeast infection. Another method is downing a few pieces of it with water.

The most basic of them all is drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. By urinating more, you get to flush sugars that feed yeast.

Yogurt also happens to be a great remedy for yeast infection. Yogurt has Lactobacillus Acidophilus in its ingredients, and this is required for a healthy vagina. There are a few ways that are commonly used in applying yogurt to the infected area. One is freezing the yogurt and inserting it into the vagina like a tampon.

To boost the immune system, you can take vitamin and nutrition supplements. Say, taking Vitamins A, C, and E regularly throughout the duration of your fungal infection could strengthen your immune system and improve your skin, too. Some other supplements you might want to take are garlic supplements, myrhh, black walnut and oil of oregano. These supplements are known to fight off fungal infection.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 24, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Will Yeast Infection In Men Go Away Without Treatment?


It can be amusing how one hurries to get a treatment for the slightest facial skin problem, and yet waits an eternity before seeing a doctor for infection. For the most part, it’s because of the fear of being mocked. These alpha males tend to just put up with the itch caused by yeast infection.

If you allow this to go on sans any form of treatment, it will just get worse and can even spread to other body parts like your intestines. Just think of how you can dodge all the hassles of complication by just seeking medical help and killing the fungus through medication prescribed by your doctor.

It’s not only the doctor’s prescription you are after when you seek treatment, considering you can buy over-the-counter creams. One of the most important reasons for going to a doctor when stuff like this happen is to make sure that it’s not something more complex or worse than a mere yeast infection.

Self-medication is always a no-no, so visiting your doctor is always a proactive move. You might just further the complications that come with yeast infection if you choose the self-medication route.

You should visit a doctor the moment you feel an itch around your penis, or observe a rash at the tip of your penis. Also, it is a red flag when you experience pain during sexual intercourse or when you experience a burning sensation when you urinate.

Delaying your visit to the doctor will just prolong your agony. That said, you should not let yourself get consumed by fear of being ridiculed. Your health is more important.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 12, 2013 at 3:22 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Fast And Effective Yeast Infection Treatment

Blame biology for making women the ones more likely to suffer from yeast infection. Yeast thrives on moisture and warmth. They hide and host in such places, they grow out of hand and cause an infection.Heavy drinkers and diabetics are also predisposed to yeast infection. Here are some things you can use in treating yeast infection.

You can use hydrogen peroxide to make a douche. Just add in 2 capfuls of hydrogen peroxide to a quart of warm water, or you could add a couple of capfuls of hydrogen peroxide to your bath water and soak. Keep in mind, though, that the vagina is known for its self-cleansing abilities. After clearing up the yeast infection, there’s no need to douche on a regular basis.

Garlic is also a famous anti-yeast infection tool. You may insert a clove of garlic into the vagina for a few hours. Do this for 2 days and you’ll be bidding goodbye to yeast infection. Or, you can just eat it. The most basic of them all is drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water every day. By urinating more, you get to flush sugars that feed yeast.

Yogurt is also a popular choice for yeast infection treatment. Yogurt has Lactobacillus Acidophilus in its ingredients, and this is required for a healthy vagina. You can freeze some yogurt and insert it into the vagina like a tampon.

Last but not least, to enhance the immune system, you can take vitamin and nutrition supplements. Vitamins A, C, and E are your best bets. Some other supplements you mightwant to take are garlic supplements, myrhh, black walnut and oil of oregano. These supplements are known to combat fungal infection.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,