Archive for October, 2013

When Yeast Infection Just Keeps Coming Back

Do you happen to suffer from the pains of a recurrent yeast infection?   Do you ever wonder why you continue to suffer? It can be either of the 2 things.  You have this weird fetish for pain or you just don’t have any idea how to treat yeast infection and rid yourself of it for good. Hopefully, the latter is your reason. If you are for the former, stop reading this article. This one is not for you. If you are one of those people who are on the hunt for a cure to recurrent yeast infection, then sit back and read this informative article.

First off, let’s see if you understand what yeast is. You must know that it is a yeasty fungus that inhabits our bodies. Everyone naturally has it, as a matter of fact. You might question why everyone doesn’t seem to be infected with it. We’ll get there.

When the amount of Candida albicans is regulated, you can go about your life normally, too. But like anything in excess, chaos and discomfort is bound to happen. They multiply rather quickly in terms of population. If their growth is inhibited for a while, continuous treatment should be done so that any recurrence will be impossible. Candida albicans can grow crazy because of poor diet, genetic make-up, antiobiotics are also included and of course, stress. Any of the said factors ring a bell? There is no doubt in mind that one or more have been a present factor and has add up to the reoccurring yeast infections. Thus, as what is usually done, we resort to antibiotics when fighting these types of infections. What it does doesn’t really help but makes the situation worse.  Treating these types of infections is pretty simple, if you only know what to do.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection

Apple cider vinegar is a known efficient remedy for candidiasis. It has natural enzymes that aid in checking candida fungal growth. While at it, it also encourages good bacteria growth which keeps the candida fungi under control

In some cases, yeast infection can be found in your mouth and is called oral thrush. This will cause you to have white, creamy-looking lesions and sores on the inner cheeks or under / on top of the tongue. Oral thrush could be quite painful; it may even cause some bleeding. You can have problems eating, chewing, and even swallowing your food.

A particularly efficient way to fight oral thrush is using apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash. To do so, dilute 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered ACV together with 8 oz. of pure water, swish it in your mouth, then either spit it out or swallow it. Most people would spit it out. You may do this 2 or 3 times per day for around three days or until the symptoms subside.

Yeast infection could also be present on your skin, most particularly in and around the groin area, between the fingers and toes, under the breasts, beneath any other skin folds and under the nail beds. They may appear as rashes, blisters that ooze fluids, or dry, red raised itchy bumps.

Raw apple cider vinegar is best for relieving all the discomforts and pain of candidiasis of the skin. It can be incorporated in your bath. Empty two full cups of vinegar in a warm bath filled enough to fully immerse the affected area. Submerge in it for half an hour or so and then repeat this treatment each day until the symptoms go away.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 4, 2013 at 3:18 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , ,