Archive for November, 2013

Yeast Infection Home Treatment

Thousands of people are being hammered by candidiasis infections and they seek homemade remedies to ease the pains and suffering. Some people aren’t able to deal with their yeast infection. It just remains dormant for quite a while before recurring and possesses symptoms that are worse than ever.  Yeast is a typical fungus that is known to be as Candida. It is normally present on human skin and moist areas such as the mouth and vagina. Statistically, 20-50% of healthy women are carriers of yeast in the vaginal region. It is an occurrence of a new yeast which is being introduced into a vaginal area or where there is an increase in the number of the yeast that is already present with respect to the quantity of normal bacteria. They can also occur when there is a form of injury inside the vaginal walls such as after chemotherapy.

Probiotics are known to cure candida infection and is a main choice for a remedy for yeast infections. These are live organisms that are present in a natural manner in the digestive tract of a person. They are referred to as “good” bacteria which are in constant conflict against “bad” bacteria like candida fungus. Because of this fact, many consider these probiotics to be the effective candida infection remedy. There are available in oral supplements as well as vaginal suppositories.

Another type of cure is the Boric acid. It is a substance that is consisted of anti fungal properties. There was even a study conducted by Italians that have been comparing the efficiency of applying topical remedies containing boric acid to a regular oral route medication using an antifungal drug to a host of 22 women, who each had a recurrence of seemingly endless yeast infection signs and symptoms. The conclusion of the said study was that Boric acid was found to be as effective as the used drug which was Sporanox. It is a well-known fact that Boric acid is toxic and should be applied topically and nothing more. It also can’t be directly applied to an open wound.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - November 21, 2013 at 10:28 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Probiotics for Treating Yeast Infection

The friendly bacteria that are needed for overall health and wellbeing include Bifidum bacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus. Such friendly bacteria are said to be very efficient when it comes to curing candidiasis (yeast infection).

They are naturally occurring organisms in yogurt. They are also present in other food stuff, including sour milk, sauerkraut, and pickles, among others. Research has shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacterium produce substances that can stop the growth of candida.

You can buy yogurt almost anywhere, but most found in the supermarket don’t have enough of the live cultures needed by the body.

So as to make a difference in the body, the yogurt or other supplements must have at least 1 billion organisms per serving. Additionally, such healthy bacteria must be resistant to bile we have in our bodies. They should be able to attach themselves to the gastrointestinal lining for them to be able to form a colony of good bacteria. You’ll only be wasting time and money if you buy yogurt and the live cultures just pass through the body without disintegrating before it is eliminated by the body.

If you do decide to repopulate good bacteria with yogurt, steer clear of the fancy yogurt. Go for simple plain yogurt with live cultures. Considering bacteria are destroyed by heat, eat it cold. Additionally, see to it that it is fresh as it will usually contain at least 100 million bacteria per gram. Time on the shelf tends to destroy bacteria.

Refrigerated yogurt is ideal since majority of the live cultures will be able to survive. If possible, go for yogurt that is less than a week old. This is the freshest and it usually still has most of the live cultures. The best yogurt are typically found in health stores.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - November 13, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

The Effect of Diet in Curing Yeast Infections

A diet that doesn’t have the recommended nutrients and mineral can push the body to its limits and eventually cause health problems. These problems can be varied and numerous and one of them are those yeast infections. Yeast is an organism that is normally found in our bodies and it is responsible for the catabolism and elimination of glucose. However, diets that contain high refined sugars as well as carbohydrates tend to give an extra level of glucose in the body that promote overgrowth of yeast in the body. Similarly, foods with high yeast content serve a seemingly same effect.

These food types do include cakes, chocolates, sweets, white bread, softdrinks, animal fats, canned juices, malted products and mushrooms. What has been dubbed as ‘good’ bacteria are the ones that counter the effect of these yeast in or body. They boost our defenses but we must be able to consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. This will largely increase our resistance to infections and helps boost our immune system. Also, there are supplements that are available out there in the market that provide cultured lactobacillus acidophilus.

Deficiency in the element of Iron can also be a reason of being susceptible to yeast infections, so it is advised that people must incorporate iron in their diet and consume more of dark green vegetables, red meat and nuts. There are varying options to consider in preventing and curing yeast infections. Tablets that are made from zinc and garlic are used to boost the immune system and can be used to protect against all sort of diseases and also certain medicinal herbs are consumed to help the digestive system develop a certain amount of resistance against the naturally occurring yeast.

It has also been pointed out maintaining a healthy level of blood sugar can be another factor in order to inhibit the growth of yeast. Thus, medical professionals suggest not skipping breakfast and having small regular meals for the rest of the day. Meals that are low in fat and coupled with a good dose of complex carbohydrates can be very helpful in keeping your blood pressure low.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - November 11, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,