Archive for February, 2014

Let’s Go Natural in Treating Yeast Infection

It has always been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. That popular saying serves as a representative of the naturalists in terms of treating diseases and illnesses. By taking in nutritious food and living healthy, often trips to the clinic can be avoided.

However, you cannot take for granted the existence of conventional ways as opposed to the natural ones. The conventional mode of treatment would involve medications made out of chemicals whereas the natural ones were created out of plants, leaves and roots of common herbs and plants. There are two avenues you can take when treating yeast infections using medications. Look at the choices laid out in front of you and then decide for yourself.

Conventional medicines such as antibiotic drugs are made out of several different chemicals that came from various sources. Collectively, these chemicals are unfamiliar to the human body. It is considered foreign and when in contact with the body, it may turn out to be incompatible and can pose harmful effects. And in terms of specifically treating yeast infections, conventional medicines are only battling with the signs and symptoms of the disease and rather not dealing with the real problem at hand. The artificial chemicals encapsulated in that little tablet only pauses the appearance of the problem but not completely stopping it. One may think that he or she is already cured when the truth of the matter is that, the root problem was just postponed to come out some other time when you least expect it.

On the other hand, natural yeast infection treatment are made to directly hit the center of the problem. Being natural and all, compatibility issues with the body is out of the question. It comes in to your body and just mesh well with the other parts and be one with the system. Because of the similarity, it allows the natural treatment to go about its job smoothly without having to hurt or damage other organs and just go straight to the root problem.

Remember that at the end of it all, it is your decision to make. The options are just there waiting for what kind of action you will take. Just keep in mind to do the most natural thing there is. I hope you get what I mean.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 23, 2014 at 9:51 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

The Choice of Going The Natural Way

If you are already sick, of course the very last thing you would want is to worsen your present illness or to do something that will jumpstart another ailment. That is like adding insult to an already bad looking injury. As much as we want to praise science and pharmaceuticals for coming up will all kind of drugs to fight all known diseases, there is always a part of that drug literature that enumerates side effects, adverse effects and contraindications. And once you fall on any single one stated there, then you will hesitate on using that drug fearing for the safety of your health and you will then look for another one that is not prohibited for you. That will take up time. Time that you were supposed to spend on healing will now be wasted on hunting for the perfect cure. But remember, there is no such thing as perfect. But there is still a right thing.

Yeast infections brought about by an organism known as Candida Albicans is not new to most people. It causes some of the most common infections such as mouth sores and the ones involving the female genitalia. This infection can be cured. However, if not completely treated, it may reoccur. This means that the process of health restoration will be prolonged and with extended use of medications this can develop side effects that may be simple or severe. If worst comes to worst, some medications build up an immunity to certain drugs thus forcing you to make use of stronger ones which may in turn create a greater risk for acquiring more complicated side effects.

This is where natural methods come in to save the day. There are a lot of home remedies and lifestyle changes you choose from. One of which is to overhaul your day to day diet. It would be best to end your drinking of beer and other fermented drinks. Even the intake of coffee should be cut out. Processed food should also be avoided. These contain refined sugar which is a feeding ground for yeast. Refrain also from wearing tight fitting clothes and undergarments since these provide warm and moist conditions that serve as a conducive hideout for the Candida Albicans. Aside from that, you can opt for regimens involving soak baths using cider vinegar that assures relief, tampons bathed in tea tree oil and inserted as usual and sugar free yogurt applied to affected areas.

To make things clear, this is not intended to pose negative comments about medicines. Drugs have done great things in more ways than one. This is only an eye opener for those people who are searching for options. They have the right to choose.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 10, 2014 at 8:37 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

How Candida Yeast Infection Is Related To Graves’ Disease

If you’re already suffering from Grave’s Disease, you are predisposed to developing Candida infection. Grave’s disease is defined as an autoimmune hyperthyroid condition, and so the compromised immune system can make someone more susceptible to a candida infection.

This is just another reason that adds to why a person biting it from Graves ‘ disease should want to do more than just drink meds for an interval of time, or receive radioactive iodine. While in some cases, such traditional medical treatment methods are necessary, they don’t do anything for the compromised immune system.

Aside from taking antibiotics and having a poor immune system, other factors can end up in the development of a yeast infection. A person’s diet could play a significant part in their overall health, and a diet high in carbohydrates could also cause someone to develop a yeast infection. You want to eat below 200g of carbohydrates a day, and less than 150 grams per day would be even better. It could be difficult to keep track of it, but you should be on your toes in doing this for about one week.

So how do you permanently get rid of a candida infection? To no surprise, the traditional medical way is still prescription meds. Albeit this, in some cases, is helpful with a yeast infection, just remember that this will not help with the underlying cause of the illness.

For instance, if a person took antibiotics and then had a candida infection, giving the person a fungicide could somehow aid with the treatment of yeast infection, but it won’t address the problems with the gut flora. That said, the person has the chance to develop another yeast infection.

So as to cure the condition and keep another candida infection from occurring, you want to replenish the gut flora with using probiotics and other supplements, lessen the refined foods as well as sugars, among others. Should the person need to take antibiotics again, then it’s best to take probiotics while taking the antibiotics.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 5, 2014 at 10:13 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Male OTC Yeast Infection Meds

As much as we can, we try to self-medicate. While it works for some illnesses (sometimes), it doesn’t work all the time. Before you go running to buy some OTC drugs for your Candida, it is best to get properly diagnosed first. Once a yeast infection has been confirmed you can then decide, after discussion with your doctor, on which over-the-counter drug is best for your particular case.

Over-the-counter medicines are typically antifungal drugs in the form of creams, ointments, sprays, powders, tablets, among many others. Below are the usual range of drug-based yeast infection treatments you can buy OTC:

– Monistat

– Femstat

– Gyne-Lotrimin

– Mycelex

– Vagistat

Most of the OTC drugs are apparently marketed toward women, but they are just as effective on men, considering it’s the same Candida fungus that is targeted.

Inquire with the pharmacist and tell them about any allergies you may have. You should also inform them if you are using condoms, your partner a diaphragm, or both, as a method of birth control, considering some drugs could weaken the latex. They will then let you know what the most appropriate medication will be.

OTC drugs are usually sold in 1 day, 3 day and 7 day formulas. The main thing to keep in mind here is to make sure that you finish the course of the formula you are recommended.

Following the treatment, should the symptoms of the infection persist, or you suffer from frequently recurring infections, you take a trip to the doctor. There could be an underlying condition you’re suffering from that needs to be addressed first.


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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 4, 2014 at 10:15 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , ,