Archive for March, 2014

A Candida diet prevents growth of Candida yeast

Among the best ways to control Candida is by adhering to a strict Candida diet. It is vital to steer clear of starchy foods like some fruits, refined sugar, mushrooms, yeast, vinegar, peanuts, peanut butter, some alcoholic beverages, , alcohol, a processed and refined foods. The list of food mentioned will only make the yeast thrive and worsen the problem. Always make sure that you follow your Candida diet religiously for a progressive improvement. Additionally, quit smoking.

The Candida diet that you adhere to is a part of the Candida cleanse, and Candida cleanse is a detoxification process that will help keep yeast from overgrowing inside the body. But it is suggested though that you first ask your doctor before diving into the detoxification process.

As part of your diet, you can eat some vegetables such as broccoli, turnip, brussel sprouts, asparagus, fresh garlic, eggplant, onions, peppers, cucumber, celery, radish, spinach, cauliflower and tomatoes.

You may also eat plain yoghurt and probiotics in your diet as the live bacteria in the yoghurt will help fight off the yeast. Yogurt and probiotics play a significant role in maintaining the yeast levels in our bodies. You may also eat fresh meat, eggs and fish. Stay away from those that are not processed or canned. In addition to these, you may include herbs and spices, including herbal teas, given that they contain anti-oxidant as well as antifungal powers.

A Candida cleanse is among the most efficient forms of detoxification, considering that it eliminates particular foods that promote the thriving of Candida yeast. Go speak with your doctor before following the detoxification process just to be sure that you are safe since some individuals may suffer from withdrawals.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 25, 2014 at 8:35 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Yeast Infection Remedies For You

If I had a penny for every time a supposed yeast infection remedy pops up online, I’d be rich by now. Why does it have to be so damn difficult? Let’s clarify something.

Yeast infection remedies should help you with your problems for good, and not just temporarily relieve your symptoms. If that’s the only thing that it does, it can’t be considered as an actual cure. There. Pretty simple, right? Many of us thing that we have the answer and well, if the “remedy” doesn’t really remedy the problem, then it’s not the answer.

Let’s move on. Here are some useful, temporary treatments that will give actual relief. Even though they clearly must not be deemed yeast infection remedies for reasons that were discussed previously, they deserve to be mentioned. These are not long-term yeast infection remedies, though. Try:

Yogurt. Look for plain, no sugar, no additives, no coloring, and one that’s not heat-treated. Spread a little amount on the infected area, and let it sit for about an hour. A soothing relief will be felt. The reason why yogurt is considered to be one of the best remedies for yeast infection is because it has good friendly bacteria that helps to fight against your infection.

Tea tree oil is yet another powerful yeast infection remedy. Why? Because it’s a powerful antifungal agent, it kills bacteria, as well as it rejuvenates skin.

See to it that you dilute it. Tea tree oil is very potent. It may not be considered as one of the long-term cures because it is only temporary, but it’s very useful. Given that it’s natural, you need not worry about long term damage to your internal system, mind you. So remember that as you look at your natural yeast infection remedies for long-term relief.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 24, 2014 at 8:35 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Why Educating Yourself About Candida Is Important

Knowing the essential things about Candida yeast infection is the first step in treating this dreaded health condition. Even when yeast infections are rampant, especially among women, it is not regularly being talked about. And more often than not, individuals who are infected with such infection opt for treating it externally, rather than curing the root cause. They usually settle with temporary relief without realizing the complications of the disease as it progressed.

Just so you know, Candida yeast infection are an internal problem. If you fail to target the root factors that have caused or triggered the infection, then you can never get rid of it for good. Also, a disturbing notion of people affected by the infection is that they leave it entirely to the doctors, pharmacists, and the like when the treatment is actually in their hands.

If you happen to have yeast infection, by now, you probably have tried many different treatment options which aren’t really cheap and not exactly effective. These days, in order to avoid being deceived by misleading information about treatments or medicines, one should be very astute and discriminating before signing up for anything so you don’t waste your money, time, and effort.

However, there are alternatives that are actually inexpensive and are virtually safer to permanently rid yourself of the symptoms of the infection and cure the root cause of Candida whatever its type, location, or level of severity.

Furthermore, you must know how to assess yourself with regard to the condition of your yeast infection. You must educate yourself about the requirements in treating Candida such as the dietary needs or hygienic practices. Regarding the treatments you use, know the effects and side effects just in case you might need them.

By learning these important things, then you’re a step ahead in curing the very troublesome infection you have.

Related Yeast Infection Articles

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 17, 2014 at 8:13 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,