Archive for June, 2014

Natural Yeast Infection Treatments

Avoid subjecting yourself into taking a lot of pills or applying creams to get a temporary relief from the discomforts of a yeast infection. Be informed that you could treat your Candida yeast the natural way. You can find an array of different potent natural products which would give you great relief without the harsh side effects of chemicals.

Garlic is among those effective natural treatments. It can be Candida’s worst enemies. It is a highly efficient and natural element which could be an aid in restoring the overall health of those individuals infected. Garlic could be utilized either internally or externally. Also, you can take garlic orally. Garlic cloves may be inserted internally to aid in providing relief. You may also use the cloves externally by rubbing them directly on the infected areas.

More to these, you can use yogurt to your own benefit in treating Candida. It could give relief and aid in the introduction of good bacteria into the affected area.

Plain and unsweetened natural yogurt could be used also internally and externally. It would surely give you an instant relief from the very bothersome symptoms. Nevertheless, you must take the yogurt out after it gives you relief. Otherwise, it could have rebound effects or reversed effects. Yogurt must be plain and unsweetened, as mentioned. Anything that contains sugar will only make yeast thrive even more as they feed off on sugar to be able to grow and multiply.

You can find so many natural products which would give you some great and instant relief from all the annoying and agonizing symptoms. To get rid of Candida yeast infection once and for all, you must determine the root cause of it so as to be able to target it.

If ever you are suffering from all the troubles that come with Candida yeast infection, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone and a countless number of men and women are also infected. However, there are more and more people who opt for the natural way to treat yeast infection. Be one of them!

Related Yeast Infection Articles


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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 30, 2014 at 8:39 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: ,

Candida Infection and Antibiotics

In instance where there is a weakened immune system, an overgrowth of Candida albicans is likely to occur. Also, it could happen if an unhealthy amount of sugar and carbohydrates is being consumed. The reason for this is a high consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates feeds the yeast so the growth goes haywire.

Wrong or too much intake of antibiotics can also cause an overgrowth and cause Candida infection symptoms. Antibiotics are known to kill off the good bacteria needed to keep the body safe from many infections. These issues could actually occur after years or even decades after the antibiotic were taken.

The overgrowth of yeast, which is quite typical, is basically overlooked by the conventional medicine. The Candida infection symptoms can have several resemblances to other conditions, but alternative physicians recognize the seriousness of this condition, and tend to treat the illnesses more efficiently using their non-conventional methods.

People who believe in practice the conventional drug-oriented approach of traditional medicine are likely to be the people who consume numerous medications in later life, because their immune defense has been destroyed from the consumption of antibiotics.

Antibiotics are among the most common taken drugs across the globe and make lots of money for pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment. They are beneficial for continuous clients and more profits, making it almost impossible to stop manufacturing and prescribing them.

There are natural methods, and they can be effective for the treatment of Candida infection symptoms and their resulting maladies and even more importantly don’t destroy the body’s first defense, the immune system.

For instance, garlic and coconut oil, can be helpful with Candida infection symptoms but usually they’re not nearly enough. A deep Candida cleanse can be called for to get to the root of the real problem.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 25, 2014 at 9:38 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

What To Do On A Candida Cleanse

Yeast is a fungus. The most common type of yeast is Candidas albicans. We are all susceptible to getting a yeast infection. Such condition can last for years on end in moist places like the tongue where it appears as a white film and even in the digestive tract.

Using antibiotics, steroids, and being on the Pill could kill good bacteria let yeast proliferate. Yeast has been known to be the cause of so many symptoms and problems such as bloating, Candida esophagitis, eczema, fuzzy thinking, depression, gas, gout, rosacea, pain and inflammation, the mal absorption of nutrients as well as the propduction of toxic substances that are released into the bloodstream.

Once yeast infection is diagnosed you’ll be needing to cleanse it from your system. Here are some of the things that Candida cleanses should include:

  1. Total elimination of white sugar and white flour: Candida feeds off sugar. When you consume sugar you are literally feeding the yeast and encouraging its growth. This brings about more major cravings for exactly the wrong kinds of foods like sweets and breads.
  2. Complementary juice cleanse: A juice cleanse, with the use of the right combination of alkaline vegetables and fruits, will alter the ph of your body so that it is inhospitable to yeast.
  3. Anti-Candida supplements: Supplements like olive leaf extract and others in the proper amounts get rid of the bad bacteria and lay the foundation for reintroduction of friendly bacteria.
  4. Probiotics: Get some probiotics to recolonize your system. You must opt for a high quality product. If you consume yogurt, see to it that it isn’t heated too much that the “live” cultures are killed. Also, check if it has no sugar or preservatives.

More to these, reduce your stress. Stress can be the cause for the rise your level of blood sugar, thus feeding yeast. There is a plethora of specific directions that you can follow carefully when you follow Candida cleanses, to kill bad bacteria.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 23, 2014 at 9:03 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,