Archive for September, 2014

Low Iron and Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are brought about by a yeast-like fungus known as Candida albicans, that is usually kept under control by the system’s good bacteria. Only when it expands out of hand will it really develop into disease.

So when you think about it this good bacteria versus bad bacteria ‘harmony’ is essential. However there are lots of stuff that can easily disturb this balance. Two of them are a low immune system and friendly bacteria destruction.

Among the list of stuff that will affect the immune system is anemia which takes place due to iron deficiency. Therefore low iron, which ends up in anemia, could jeopardize your immune system and so disturb the delicate balance. This could subsequently cause an over growing of Candida resulting in a yeast infection.

Under balanced conditions, with maximum levels of iron, your helpful microorganisms operate efficiently. However, so can the Candida, with the exception that the Candida requires ‘free’ iron to overrun the body’s cells. And also, with a healthy body, a protein known as ‘Lactoferrin’ adheres to the iron, so avoiding the Candida from growing.

Nevertheless, people who have anemia have low levels of Lactoferrin. And considering they’ve got low iron, their good bacteria are less reliable, too. Therefore, the balance is more distressed, still permitting the Candida to multiply as well as scatter.

Therefore, should you suffer from low iron and you have a yeast infection perhaps the two could be related. For your personal health and wellness, at any rate,you must get your iron back to maximum levels. And the best way is by means of diet.

Excellent options for iron are; liver, red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, whole grains, dark green leaf vegetables, peas, beans, potatoes, rice, as well as peanuts. However, make sure that the food you eat is actually sugar-free, mainly because sugar is what Candida feeds off of.

You might think about using iron supplements however it is important to check with a medical expert prior to doing this. Another help is vitamin C, which assists to soak up the iron. But once more, speak with your physician first to ensure that whatever you do is proper for your personal case, including your diet.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 12, 2014 at 8:45 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: ,

Hormonal Changes and Yeast Infection

Candida or yeast infection is possibly the most bothersome issue that impacts women. And the bad news is that one of the primary reasons for Candida is due to hormonal changes.

This irritating yeast has a tendency to contaminate your vagina as this spot is frequently moist and has quite little exposure to light – therefore, the ideal environment for yeast or fungal to develop.

Nevertheless, Candida albicans can also happen in other areas of the human body like armpits, in between your toes (athletes foot) and even inside the mouth (thrush). Keep in mind that it could also affect males!

Hormone fluctuations are far more common amongst females compared to males. The reasons are often in connection with menopause, pregnancy, menstruation, early ovarian failure and thyroid disorder. Other typical factors that cause hormonal changes are extreme usage of antibiotics, the use of birth control pills and unhealthy diet.

That is the reason why women can be usually affected by yeast infection during the course of menstruation, pregnancy or even menopause.

Stress is also recognized to trigger hormonal changes (both in women and men). Stress is a contemporary lifestyle disease that could result in a large amount of health issues like a high blood pressure level, weak immune system, skin ailments, digestive disorders, allergies, fatigue, infertility, etc.

If you are under stress, the adrenalin glands emit a hormone known as cortisol. This particular hormone breaks down tissues to unleash sugar, proteins and other nutrients to supply sustenance to the muscles. The more time the stress goes on, the production of cortisol also increases. Because of this, your immune system is sabotaged and blood sugar inflated – causing you to be a quick target of yeast infection.

Even though there’s lots of other things that may cause yeast infection, hormonal changes in women is undoubtedly among the list of cause of yeast infections. As a preventative measure, take some probiotics that maximize the natural bacteria in your system. Include natural yogurt in your daily diet, it can also help.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 10, 2014 at 8:51 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Fight Off Candida On Your Own

Candida overgrowth brings about a plethora of problems for a lot of people across the globe. The good part is that you don’t have to suffer forever. There are measures you can take at home to get rid of Candida symptoms.

Alter your diet. There are two main things you could do at the moment to get rid of Candida overgrowth symptoms. You can add fiber to your diet and quit sugar and sugary foods, but rather than feeling overwhelmed by these changes you have got to start by simply being open to a healthy approach to your diet.

Sweat it out. Exercise lessens stress, aids your body to optimize your systems and can boost your immune system. You need not train for a marathon. You just gotta get it moving. Move it. Move your body and you’ll help balance your systems.

Have adequate sleep. Sleep is immensely significant to your overall health. It aids your metabolism to stay fully efficient and be in tiptop condition. It boosts your immune system, helps you combat stress and it helps your body fight off Candida. Follow a sleep habit or routine and make sure to get enough of your daily snooze.

Kick bad habits to the curb. If you’re a smoker, habitual drinker, or do substance problem, try slowly quitting. Don’t do it abruptly, though. In terms of fighting Candida, your body needs every benefit it can take. Your immune system, stress response, and overall health need your full attention and such habits could detract from your health and your ability to combat Candida.

Simply put, lessen your stress by exercising, doing something you love, and just simply relax. Slowly get rid of your bad habits and practice having new good ones. They seem like small steps but they will definitely have a huge effect on your overall health. They will help you fight off Candida overgrowth and related symptoms!

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Posted by Olivia Walker - September 2, 2014 at 8:21 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: ,