Can you get a yeast infection in the anus or rectum?
Question by Cherrigirl22: Can you get a yeast infection in the anus or rectum?
I am kind of wondering about something. I went to have my rectum checked for hemorrhoids and my doctor said she did not find any. However, my anus is swollen. Is it possible that my rectum could have a yeast infection? Can there be an overgrowth of candida in my rectum and anus? Just wondering.
Best answer:
Answer by d
Yes, it is possible but a swab of the area would give you a definite answer. This is important as dermatitis and other skin conditions can also give similar symptoms. Also if it is thrush/yeast/candida you need to look for a reason why you have it – recent antibiotic use/ recent corticosteroid use/ diabetes/ excessive sweating etc
What do you think? Answer below!
Yes. Candida lives in our intestines and thus, when overgrown, may travel. Yeast infections do cause itching, and may cause inflammation, too. Start eating yogurt – plain, no fruit, regularly – like one a day for about 2 weeks. If the itching persists, check out, the yeast link and the library link, for info and books respectively, that may help.
yes its possible…