Candida Elimination Kit

Candida Elimination Kit

Candida Elimination Kit

  • Purge Candida from your body safely, efficiently and quickly
  • Most Effective Anti-fungal agents available
  • Quick and Fast Elimation without toxifying effects

Candida Purge Program. This program is extremely effective if used according to directions. Your purchase includes 1 16.9 oz Caproyl (Caprylic Acid) 1 16.9 oz Bentonite Magma, 1 10 oz Psyllim Powder and 1 2.12oz Multi Dophilllus
Mix 2 teaspoons of Caproyl, 1 rounded teaspoon of Psyllium Seed powder, 1 tablespoon of liquid Bentonite and 1/3 teaspoon of Multi Dophilus into 8 oz. of water or 6 oz. of water and 2 oz. of juice. True candida thrive on fruit juice but they do not do well with caprilyic acid especially liquid caprilyic acid such as in this kit. Liquid caprilyic acid will get to what is known as the fisscures or root of the candida. Capsules or tablets are not near as effective. If you give the candida both fruit juice and caprilyic acid at the same time, it is like a bait to the Candida. It draws them out and the Caprilyic Acid kills them. Mixing the Caprilyic acid with Psyllium Powder & Bentonite Magma coats the entire length of the intestinal track with the Caprylic Acid which will get to the Candida roots. The Psyllium Powder is an intestinal cleanser scrubbing the intestines and the Bentonite Magma absorbs and removes toxins and the Multi Dophilus helps to produce a healthy intestinal micro flora. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any disease.

List Price: $ 83.00


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