Does anyone have recipes for the candida diet?

Question by ohyeah: Does anyone have recipes for the candida diet?
I am looking for main dishes, condiments, non-alcoholic drinks, bread, desserts, and substitutions for cheese, yogurt, yeast, milk, and anything else interesting. Thanks for any help you can give me for this “yeast monster” problem!

Best answer:

Answer by Nurse Answer Mama
Use diabetic foods. If you have yeast so bad you are “doing a diet” for it, you SERIOUSLY need to see a doc ASAP. Candida is a fungus. You should be screened for Diabetes. Diabetics can have severe issues with fungi. It is very difficult for them to get rid of it without medical supervision. The yeast lives off all the “sugar” in the diabetic’s body. It can cause serious infections that can even be deadly.

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