How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?
Question by bee: How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?
39 weeks pregnant on monistat for a yeast infection. Exactly how much does DIET effect the outcome of yeast infections? Can it really keep medicine from taking effect?
Best answer:
Answer by Doodlestuff
I read recently that for about 25% of people with chronic yeast infections, eliminating sugar and starch items in the diet is necessary to aid medicine in eliminating chronic, recurring yeast infections.
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your body is everything you eat. if you like yogurt you should eat that too..people who eat a lot of yogurt or on a daily basis anyway, tend to have fewer yeast infections
Sugar is in everything, not just sweets. Almost any carbohydrate that is not fiber, is sugar. Meat contains sugar, milk has sugar, even plain peanuts have sugar. Most of it is not the same type as “table sugar” but it can be digested by yeast the same way.. A normal, balanced diet usually won’t cause a person to have yeast infections.. but if you are LOADING UP on refined sugar then it probably won’t help.
There are many factors that caused by yeast infection not only eating foods rich in sugar. There are proofs that it has effect but it really depends on your lifestyle.