is douching bad for candida infection?
Question by : is douching bad for candida infection?
I was looking up symptoms for a vaginal problem I was having and it seems I have candida infection aka yeast infection.
I was able to locate the items I needed to buy (monistat/miconazole) but I was wondering if douching would irritate it more?
I’m making a doctor’s appt in the mean time.
Best answer:
Answer by navyboy763
Douching is bad in general, it interrupts the PH balance in your vagina.
What do you think? Answer below!
First, some of the symptoms of yeast infections are very similar to other vaginal infections. So, before you try to treat it you need to know for sure what it is you have. It’s good that you’re going to see a doctor. S/he will be able to do the proper testing and let you know for sure.
There is no need to douche a healthy vagina and can actually disrupt that natural environment making you more susceptible to certain infections. However, certain douches are sometimes prescribed when you already have an infection. Many people believe that you should never douche under any circumstances, but that simply isn’t the case. You should not douche when all is well, but douching with certain products has been proven to help slow or even eliminate certain infections.
As far as further irritation goes, you won’t know how any medication will affect you until you try it. Some anti-fungal creams make yeast infections feel worse, but eventually they do their job and the yeast is gone. It’s all trial and error.