Is it possible you can develop yeast infection while taking antibiotics?
Question by mamamia08: Is it possible you can develop yeast infection while taking antibiotics?
My daughter shes taking Augmentin antibiotics for 4 days now. It seems like she has a yeast infection because she’s having some discharge and icthing. Is that possible while your on antibiotics for couple of days only?
Best answer:
Answer by Emily Dew
Absolutely! Antibiotics wipe out the bad bacteria in your body along with the good bacteria and that leaves you open to a secondary infection. I always make sure I eat a container of yogurt every day when I’m taking antibiotics or else I will develop a yeast infection too.
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Absolutely. I get a yeast infection nearly every time I take antibiotics. It’s a pretty nasty and uncomfortable side effect (especially when I am taking antibiotics for a UTI….ever had both?).
The worst yeast infection I ever had was from taking antibiotics.
Yes, its one of the main ways that you can develop one!
ESPECIALLY while taking antibiotics!They kill the natural vaginal flora that keep the yeast(it’s not a germ, it’s a living organism)in check. Eating yogurt will help. BTW, I’m a guy, but I have a wife and 2 daughters who all deal with this occasionally.
Yes, it is actually quite common. Make sure she eats yogurt with live cultures and drinks cranberry juice. It should help. If that doesn’t do it, bring her to the doctor for treatment.
yes, it can happen very quickly–w/in 24 hours.
Yes you can, the doctor should have told you that.
yes definitely. I got one before when I was on antibiotics and my doctor said it was from that. And I was only on them for a week.
Yes, especially augmentin.
When taking antibiotics, it is best to eat a container of yogurt a day to keep the bacteria balanced.
Contact the doctor to see the best course for her.
Yes, very possible. It usually takes more than a couple of days but it still is possible. You may want to call the gyno. You could also try Monistat (or some other OTC medication). However, I don’t know how old your daughter is…Monistat can burn, a lot, when you use it. Check with your doctor though.
It’s definitely possible, especially if the antibiotics are strong. Call her doctor and he can prescribe something to help with the yeast infection, and/or a different antibiotic. BUT do not stop the antibiotic without talking to the doctor first, as this creates a more powerful strain of whatever bacteria she’s fighting off.
It’s not only possible, but likely.
Yeap. . . drink plenty of water and eat plenty of yogurt! Good Luck!
Yes, it is possible. Antibiotics force a change int the bodies processing/making of certain chemicals/anti-bodies, whatever. When this occurs, a girl’s ph can be thrown off a bit.
You will still have to treat the yeast infection separately AFTER she is done with her antibiotics. The antibiotics may have caused the yeast infection but once it takes root, it is an entirely different affliction. If she is very young you will need to consult a physician.
Very common to get a yeast infection when taking antibiotics. The antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad leading to an overgrowth of yeast. In the future, this can often be prevented by eating yogurt daily to keep up the body’s “natural flora”. She could use an OTC treatment, or get a script for a pill to be taken once to help clear it up. Hope the info helps!
Oh yes antibiotics are very bad about causing yeast infections….because they also limit the number of bacteria we have in our “female” region that keep our chemicals in balance. The moment our ph balance differs a yeast infection can sneak in. Get her to the doctor for prof. treatment, don’t just go buy monostat, the doctor needs to make sure it is in deed a yeast infection and needs to make sure the antibiotic she is taking will co-exist with the medicine for the infection.
yes definitly. antibiotics will kill the good flora in your body as well as the bad. eating yogurt daily while on antibiotics can prevent this in the future. as for now have it checked to make sure that this is what it it and then treat it
Absolutely! Most antibiotics are systemic so they do not know the difference between good bacteria and bad. They kill the good bacteria and allow the yeast to take over. Whenever I have to take antibiotics I will start on a regiment of probiotics about 3 days before I finish the antibiotics. That way my body is being replenished with proper flora that is good. Talk to a pharmacist about probiotic; they can give you more details. You can also eat yogurt. Yogurt has live culture in it that boosts your bod’s natural flora.
Yes, especially amoxicillin.
The antibiotic kills bacteria in your body, even good bacteria. When the good bacteria is killed, it weakens the defenses in the vagina.