Q&A: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?
Question by Kathryn Brooks: Best affordable brand of yogurt to use for yeast infection?
Hi I was wondering what brand of yogurt is good and works for a yeast infection and the best way to insert it into vagina. Should I put it in with fingers? Should I dip a tampon in the yogurt then put it in or could I fill a tampon applicator with yogurt, freeze it, then insert it?
Thanks for all answers.
Best answer:
Answer by Monica
I wouldn’t use yogurt for yeast infections. Where did you hear that from? My doctor told me drinking cranberry juice is good for the bladder and infections. As home remedy this may be a good choice to go for.
For a more formal and better treatment, you can just go to your local pharmacy and buy an over the counter medicine for yeast infections. Many women have problems like these. So finding these products shouldn’t be difficult. I would ask someone who works their to help you find it.
As someone that has a vagina, I know that douching can cause yeast infections because it kills all the bacteria even the ones that help clean the vagina. It also increases your chances of getting yeast infections. Many doctors would advise you against using a douchebag because it causes a lot of problems such as yeast infections.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
go see a doctor
The brand doesn’t matter, as long as it’s unsweetened, unflavoured yogurt with live acidophilus cultures. The tampon method works very well and it’s comfortable and soothing. Wear a pad, because you may leak.
I’ve never tried the freezer method, but I’ve heard that it works just as well.
It’s best to work from both sides by eating the yogurt too.
Any brand of yoghurt can be used. the freezing method really works well. using fingers would be a no as it may cause iritation. if you have blisters then yoghurt cannot solve it you need to consult a doctor.
I thought I had tried every cure for recurring yeast infections. Then I read the Natural Cure For Yeast Infection ebook and followed the treatment.
I’m cured! It’s a miracle!
I had suffered for several years and had spent hundreds of dollars on creams and medications – none of which worked. I can not believe that the cure is so simple!
Everyone with yeast infections should try this.
The link is below.