Q&A: Can you give a yeast infection to a breast fed baby?
Question by : Can you give a yeast infection to a breast fed baby?
My son has had diahrea, it’s weird, it looks like there’s cottage cheese type looking chunks in it. The doc did not actually see his poop. But he tested him for microplasma & rhodavirus, both came back negative. He has no fever. I’m taking him to the doc again today. But I’ve only had 1 yeast infection before, so it’s hard for me to tell if maybe I have one. If I had a yeast infection & my baby gets breast milk, could he get a yeast infection?
Best answer:
Answer by no5no5
That’s what breastmilk bowel movements look like. He’s fine. If you had a yeast infection on your nipples he might get thrush, but it would be in his mouth, not throughout his body. It would look like white spots that would not wipe off.
No worries. 🙂
What do you think? Answer below!
Thrush is really just a yeast infection in your mouth, so a Baby Can get thrush easily… but, If you have a yeast infection you aren’t going to pass it through from “below” to their mouths through breastmilk. If the 2 of you have one at the same time, that is just an awful coincidence.
It takes touch to pass it.
no, you can’t give your baby a yeast infection from your breast milk, and if your baby is newborn, that’s just what his stool is supposed to look like. keep in mind that he is on a liquid diet.