Posts tagged "Acidophilus"

Acidophilus – A Breakthrough Cure For Yeast Infections

It is safe to bet that the lactobacillus acidophilus route of curing yeast infections is still the best cure out there.  This article is entirely dedicated into explaining what it really is and what are the steps needed to be undertaken in order to be able to apply it effectively. Aside from what has been said, this article will also show you the key points to look for in supplements and other natural sources that are rich in Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is considered to be one of the most important probiotics (bacteria that is beneficial for the body) which is naturally found inhabiting a person’s intestines and the vagina. Few of its many benefits include the reduction of the chance of developing diarrhea, reduction of toxic amines that can be found in the blood, reduction the incidence of constipation and fighting off yeast infections caused mainly by Candida Albicans. Some strains of the L. acidophilus have been found out to contain extensive health effects that are beneficial for the body. They pose no threat or any type of harm whatsoever to the human body.

Sugar is the main source of food for yeast to grow and survive. Acidophilus counteract this event by taking out the sugar and fermenting it into lactic acid. This is a one-two punch since it is like taking away the food source of the yeast which is sugar and turning it into a poison which is the lactic acid (relatively harmless to people). This is how Lactobacillus Acidophilus counters yeast infections. This is the normal defense mechanism of the vaginal area since it contains Lactobacillus acidophilus that fight off the growth of causative agents like Candida Albicans. In the instance that these probiotics are less in amount or number, the imbalance causes the yeast to overgrow and eventually cause infections. Antibiotics are able to do a good job in killing the bad bacteria but also it is able to kill the good bacteria as well.  Lots of various Acidophilus pills are available out there in the market for this purpose alone. The Acidophilus yeast infection is widely acknowledged and used around the world.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - May 24, 2012 at 12:31 pm

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