Posts tagged "candida yeast infection"

Why Educating Yourself About Candida Is Important

Knowing the essential things about Candida yeast infection is the first step in treating this dreaded health condition. Even when yeast infections are rampant, especially among women, it is not regularly being talked about. And more often than not, individuals who are infected with such infection opt for treating it externally, rather than curing the root cause. They usually settle with temporary relief without realizing the complications of the disease as it progressed.

Just so you know, Candida yeast infection are an internal problem. If you fail to target the root factors that have caused or triggered the infection, then you can never get rid of it for good. Also, a disturbing notion of people affected by the infection is that they leave it entirely to the doctors, pharmacists, and the like when the treatment is actually in their hands.

If you happen to have yeast infection, by now, you probably have tried many different treatment options which aren’t really cheap and not exactly effective. These days, in order to avoid being deceived by misleading information about treatments or medicines, one should be very astute and discriminating before signing up for anything so you don’t waste your money, time, and effort.

However, there are alternatives that are actually inexpensive and are virtually safer to permanently rid yourself of the symptoms of the infection and cure the root cause of Candida whatever its type, location, or level of severity.

Furthermore, you must know how to assess yourself with regard to the condition of your yeast infection. You must educate yourself about the requirements in treating Candida such as the dietary needs or hygienic practices. Regarding the treatments you use, know the effects and side effects just in case you might need them.

By learning these important things, then you’re a step ahead in curing the very troublesome infection you have.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 17, 2014 at 8:13 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

How Candida Yeast Infection Is Related To Graves’ Disease

If you’re already suffering from Grave’s Disease, you are predisposed to developing Candida infection. Grave’s disease is defined as an autoimmune hyperthyroid condition, and so the compromised immune system can make someone more susceptible to a candida infection.

This is just another reason that adds to why a person biting it from Graves ‘ disease should want to do more than just drink meds for an interval of time, or receive radioactive iodine. While in some cases, such traditional medical treatment methods are necessary, they don’t do anything for the compromised immune system.

Aside from taking antibiotics and having a poor immune system, other factors can end up in the development of a yeast infection. A person’s diet could play a significant part in their overall health, and a diet high in carbohydrates could also cause someone to develop a yeast infection. You want to eat below 200g of carbohydrates a day, and less than 150 grams per day would be even better. It could be difficult to keep track of it, but you should be on your toes in doing this for about one week.

So how do you permanently get rid of a candida infection? To no surprise, the traditional medical way is still prescription meds. Albeit this, in some cases, is helpful with a yeast infection, just remember that this will not help with the underlying cause of the illness.

For instance, if a person took antibiotics and then had a candida infection, giving the person a fungicide could somehow aid with the treatment of yeast infection, but it won’t address the problems with the gut flora. That said, the person has the chance to develop another yeast infection.

So as to cure the condition and keep another candida infection from occurring, you want to replenish the gut flora with using probiotics and other supplements, lessen the refined foods as well as sugars, among others. Should the person need to take antibiotics again, then it’s best to take probiotics while taking the antibiotics.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - February 5, 2014 at 10:13 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Hygienic Practices To Steer Clear of Candida Yeast Infection

A lot of yeast infection patients are living very uncomfortable lives, and it’s no surprise that a lot of them are always on the lookout for just about anything that will somehow relieve the pain and discomfort that come with Candida.

Prevention is always better than cure, though. If you were health-conscious in the first place, you wouldn’t have been infected.

Among the measures to take in preventing Candida is steering clear of underwear that are made out of synthetic materials such as nylon or polyester. Such materials aren’t very good at absorbing sweat and they tend to hinder airflow, thus causing yeast cells to thrive even more. And in an event you badly need to don pantyhose, pick ones that have a cotton panel for it to absorb moisture as you sweat. And if possible, stay away from panty liners as they are also one of the leading causes for yeast infection. If you really have to, then at least go for breathable ones.

You are also no supposed to wear tight-fitting pants or shorts since they pave way for sweating. Keep in mind that yeasts love damp or moist environment. More to these, if borrowing pieces of clothing from others is your thing, well, you should cut it out as soon as now as it just makes you prone to catching an infection. Also make sure that all the pieces of clothing you are wearing are clean.

As you clean your private parts, make sure that you follow a front-to-back pattern. Otherwise, you’ll just be transferring the bacteria from your anus to your vagina. Avoid using scented sanitary napkins and bubble baths since these products typically contain hash chemicals that might disturb the normal pH balance of your private area. Furthermore, douching is never a good practice as it only cause the vaginal mucous to be dry, thus damaging your inner membrane. Such damages can be a ground for the thriving of yeast infection and it can cause pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and also severe itching.

These are just among the basics of hygienic measures you have to practice. Be always conscious with your body and health. Otherwise, it’s you who will be suffering from the dreaded Candida yeast infection anyway.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Candida Feeds On Sugar

Challenges are inevitable in life, and the greatest rewards come from the most effort, be it physical, emotional or mental. Being in control of a Candida infection will call for mental strength to say no to the cravings and pull through with the detox phase, emotional strength to set feelings aside and take the bigger view of health and freedom in mind, as well as the physical strength to adjust to this better way of lifestyle.

I’ll tell you what we’re really dealing with, it’s all about the detox phase, or in other words, freedom. Let’s admit it, everything in life is best done one step at a time. What I’m trying to say is: have you ever stopped eating your favorite sugar-coated treats altogether? How long did it last? How about you prepare by really understanding what’s really bound to happen in this new chapter of your life?

There are so many ways to master Candida, but all of them have these steps in common: eliminate the food Candida feeds on. Yup, that means sugar, but don’t wear that long face just yet, I’m no slave-driver and I swear by cookies myself. However, you can rebuild your health to keep that little monster in its proper place.

More often than not, starving the Candida yeast means steering clear of every type of sugar, if not totally cutting sugar from your diet. Are you ready to crush your candida infection and live the life you deserve? Then stay away from sugar!


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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 16, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,