Posts tagged "dandruff"

Is there a link between candida, hair loss with moderate dandruff?

Question by KFlame: Is there a link between candida, hair loss with moderate dandruff?
I recently found I had candida and cured it but I have male pattern hair loss which I was lead to believe was because of genetics. I found I had candida years after my hair loss started. Now I’m rid of candida my hair seems a bit stronger and doesn’t fall out with the roots and everything still attached. I have moderate dandruff- nothing to be self conscious over but it is there.

Just wondering if there is a link?

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
Many people feel there is a link between hair loss and candida.

See some of the comments people have made…

“Hypothyroidism frequently accompanies candida overgrowth, and is well known to cause hair loss.”

“Candida can also cause mineral imbalances. A zinc deficiency is also well known to cause hair loss. White marks on the fingernails are often an indication of a possible zinc deficiency.”

I personally went through Candida and once the yeast was out of my system, my hair was much healthier. My naturopath prescribed Biotin for my hair as well.

Hope this helps! That’s great you have gotten rid of your Candida!

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 29, 2012 at 11:35 am

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