Posts tagged "dizziness"

Q&A: Has anyone had dizziness problems with candida?

Question by countrychic_83: Has anyone had dizziness problems with candida?
I’ve had mild dizziness for the last 3 years I’ve had MRI scans, been to chiropractors etc etc etc and no one seems to know whats wrong with me although I have just seen a naturopath and he seems to think I have candida.

Best answer:

Answer by IBASI Healing Ministries

I’m a clinical pharmacist and have trained about 5yrs in acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine. Whenever western medicine and chiropractic can not solve the problem, I always refer my patients to a licensed Acupuncturist who is full-scope, meaning expert in chinese herbs as well as moxa, medical massage, cupping and needles, etc.

I have confidence that they will do a differential diagnosis that will easily pin-point the imbalance that is causing your mild dizziness. Make sure you opt for chinese herb formulas that are made in the USA and tested for GMP (USA codes for good manufacturing processes) to avoid the issue of heavy metal poisoning and contaminants coming out of China these days.

You may also want to check with your Naturopathics about heavy metal hair analysis – some heavy metal poisonings may produce mild symptoms like yours. I am assuming you have had a clinical pharmacist such as myself review ALL your medications, herb and drug suppliments? Many herbs and drugs, and combinations there of, not to mention illegal or illicit drugs, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.

Best of luck to you,

Dr. D. Nostrum, Pharm.D.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 24, 2012 at 1:09 pm

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