Posts tagged "extreme itching"

Is itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme? Can gluten intolerance cause Candida?

Question by sandalsinsand: Is itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme? Can gluten intolerance cause Candida?
I recently found out I am gluten intolerant. *Can this cause candida? *
I do not relate to any other symptoms than the itchy ears.
*Are itchy ears a sign of mild Candida or extreme?*

I am on the “phase II’ candida diet.
I took the at home “spit taste” & compared to the woman’s examples of a bad case & a case where the person should lower sugar intake, I was in the middle I believe.

Best answer:

Answer by Sammi
Candida is normally found in the body, so the presence of candida in the body isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It is when the candida grows out of control that problems arise.

In addition, there has been research done that shows that there is a protein found in the cell wall of Candida that is very similar to gluten. As a result, the immune system can actually mount an immune reaction against the candida as it does with with the protein found in gluten.

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Posted by Treat Candida - August 4, 2012 at 8:35 am

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