Q&A: Is this the start of a yeast infection?
Question by cherryrosebud13: Is this the start of a yeast infection?
I used to get yeast infections ALL THE TIME! But I haven’t had one in a while and I kind of forget what it’s like. Well I found out on the 25th of July that I am pregnant. Last night I woke up at about 4 or so in the morning and went to the bathroom, I looked in my panties and there is a big circle [probably as big as a nickel] that was brown to yellow in color and it’s there when I wipe. It had no bad odor [ i know it doesn’t always] and I have no other symptoms {i know you don’t have to} Is this a yeast infection starting?? I am really nervous because I don’t have an appointment with my doctor til the 24th of this month. Should I try to go to my normal doctor for this? Will a yeast infection harm my fetus if I can’t get to the doctor for a couple days or a week? Can anyone give me some reassurance?? Thank you!
I’m not taking any kind of medication because some can harm the baby, I am not diagnosing myself with anything and trying to treat it with over the counter medicine. I was also thinking maybe my body is just cleansing itself out or something. I am definitly going to give the doctor a call.
Honestly, how can a dark yellow be old blood. It’s not old blood, because it’s not a red brown, it’s a dark yellow brown. I am just going to go to the hospital.
Best answer:
Answer by s0_blessed
Brown would indicate dried blood. It is common to have a tiny bit of spotting in the first trimester. It doesn’t sound like a yeast infection. I would call your doctor and tell him/her about the spotting, but minimal spotting like that is probably nothing. I’ve been through a healthy pregnancy with some spotting and had spotting in my 2nd pregnancy turn out to be a molar pregnancy. I wouldn’t worry, just let your doctor know.
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: doctor, harm, Infection, spotting, start, this, Yeast, yeast infection
Q&A: What harm can come from a yeast infection?
Question by bakedtatah: What harm can come from a yeast infection?
I’ve had a yeast infection for almost a month, and i’ve tried several things to get rid of it. But nothing.
Is it bad to leave it untreated? Its not itchy and it doesn’t hurt.. Its just the discharge and cotton cheese look to it. (sorry tmi)
Any answers are very much appreciated
Best answer:
Answer by Rhianna_Returns
Leaving it would cause quite a lot of discomfort. If you have tried using anti-yeast preparations but they have not worked then there is a chance that it is not thrush that you have. You could have another infection. The best thing would be for you to see your Doctor. He will take swabs and then provide treatment accordingly.
Most yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans. However, 1 in 10 bouts of thrush are caused by other strains of Candida such as Candida glabrata. This type of thrush may not respond to the usual anti-thrush medicines. If this is the case, your Doctor can give you appropriate treatment.
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