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Getting Rid of Yeast Infections

The first approach to curing this troublesome and agonizing Candida yeast infection is to first know the things you need to know about this condition, so you would know how to deal with it.

Even when yeast infections aren’t exactly rare, it is not always being discussed due to certain reasons. Many people have the misconception that they can just treat it externally, or have it treated temporarily, stuff like that, without even realizing that they’re just prolonging their agony.

First and foremost, the root of yeast infection is internal. So applying topical creams and sticking to only that isn’t exactly gonna make you rid yourself of the infection. There are several factors that you have to identify to know what brought about the infection in the first place.

Another misconception of individuals who are suffering from such infection is that they depend on medication alone. They take for granted all the other factors that have big impact on the body which are probably the root cause of the infection to begin with, say, weak immune system. You may have treated Candida for now, but if health is still not in your priority, then you’re likely to catch the infection again, only this time, in even greater strength.

If you happen to have caught this infection and you have tried every single medical treatment available, at some point in your uncomfortable life, you may have opted for natural treatment. This option is a great alternative and a cheaper and safer one.

Natural and holistic approach in treating Candida, such as good health practices, will definitely pave way for the permanent elimination of the yeast infection regardless of its type, location, or level of severity.

To finally get rid of Candida yeast infection, always bear in mind that you should identify the main factor that has caused such infection, and focus on that. Also, you should learn all the dietary requirements for people with yeast infection and be very hygienic.

Being religious to the treatment and knowing further about the disease will make it possible for you be yeast infection-free for good.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - April 21, 2014 at 4:24 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Why Educating Yourself About Candida Is Important

Knowing the essential things about Candida yeast infection is the first step in treating this dreaded health condition. Even when yeast infections are rampant, especially among women, it is not regularly being talked about. And more often than not, individuals who are infected with such infection opt for treating it externally, rather than curing the root cause. They usually settle with temporary relief without realizing the complications of the disease as it progressed.

Just so you know, Candida yeast infection are an internal problem. If you fail to target the root factors that have caused or triggered the infection, then you can never get rid of it for good. Also, a disturbing notion of people affected by the infection is that they leave it entirely to the doctors, pharmacists, and the like when the treatment is actually in their hands.

If you happen to have yeast infection, by now, you probably have tried many different treatment options which aren’t really cheap and not exactly effective. These days, in order to avoid being deceived by misleading information about treatments or medicines, one should be very astute and discriminating before signing up for anything so you don’t waste your money, time, and effort.

However, there are alternatives that are actually inexpensive and are virtually safer to permanently rid yourself of the symptoms of the infection and cure the root cause of Candida whatever its type, location, or level of severity.

Furthermore, you must know how to assess yourself with regard to the condition of your yeast infection. You must educate yourself about the requirements in treating Candida such as the dietary needs or hygienic practices. Regarding the treatments you use, know the effects and side effects just in case you might need them.

By learning these important things, then you’re a step ahead in curing the very troublesome infection you have.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 17, 2014 at 8:13 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

When Yeast Infection Just Keeps Coming Back

Do you happen to suffer from the pains of a recurrent yeast infection?   Do you ever wonder why you continue to suffer? It can be either of the 2 things.  You have this weird fetish for pain or you just don’t have any idea how to treat yeast infection and rid yourself of it for good. Hopefully, the latter is your reason. If you are for the former, stop reading this article. This one is not for you. If you are one of those people who are on the hunt for a cure to recurrent yeast infection, then sit back and read this informative article.

First off, let’s see if you understand what yeast is. You must know that it is a yeasty fungus that inhabits our bodies. Everyone naturally has it, as a matter of fact. You might question why everyone doesn’t seem to be infected with it. We’ll get there.

When the amount of Candida albicans is regulated, you can go about your life normally, too. But like anything in excess, chaos and discomfort is bound to happen. They multiply rather quickly in terms of population. If their growth is inhibited for a while, continuous treatment should be done so that any recurrence will be impossible. Candida albicans can grow crazy because of poor diet, genetic make-up, antiobiotics are also included and of course, stress. Any of the said factors ring a bell? There is no doubt in mind that one or more have been a present factor and has add up to the reoccurring yeast infections. Thus, as what is usually done, we resort to antibiotics when fighting these types of infections. What it does doesn’t really help but makes the situation worse.  Treating these types of infections is pretty simple, if you only know what to do.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - October 10, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Pregnant and Suffering From Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection during Pregnancy

In your life, you probably have gotten a yeast infection at some point, or what is also called Candida albicans. Your vagina and urinary tract are usually affected, but it may also affect other parts. This happens to a lot of young women for the most part, so it comes as no surprise to catch it during your pregnancy. It doesn’t really differ from that when you were in your teenage years, but this time, your hormones are raging and out of control.

If you happen to be a yeast infection virgin, and now that you have it during your pregnancy, this could actually just be a mild yeast infection. Nevertheless, if you habitually have yeast infections, you must pay a visit tour gynecologist as soon as you can so he or she will be able to diagnose if you deal with something worse than just a simple yeast infection.

You might have come across facts about the pains of yeast infection, things like crazy itching and you have to rub it until it turns red, you might feel some burning sensation as you urinate. That being said, you should have your urine tested so as to be sure you’re not suffering from a bladder infection.

The female population is not the only ones that are plagued with yeast infection, men are just as unlucky. This happens usually when they are on antibiotics or when the immune system is weak and feeble. Candida symptoms would tend to surface when this happens.

In case you know very well that what you’re experiencing is just a yeast infection during pregnancy, you can try some over the counter creams to treat acute Candida symptoms.

If you happen to be pregnant and don’t know how to go about treating your Candida symptoms, go ahead and visit your doctor to know which medications to resort to. You must do this in order to avoid risking the health of your baby.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 29, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Candida Natural Home Remedies

Candidiasis may be a pain in the neck to deal with. However, if you have the right resources, it may be cured by a number of home remedies, some of which are as follows:

1. You may opt for aromatherapy to treat an infection caused by candida. You may go for tea tree or cinnamon bark essential oils to cure candidiasis. Such oils generally work on the cell membrane of the infectious yeast cells and expose its cell contents to harsh environmental conditions, thus making it hard for the organisms to survive.

2. You may also make use of peppermint oil as infusion to treat an infection caused by candida.

3. You could use rosemary oil on the affected areas, thanks to its anti-fungal properties.

4. Olive leaves contain antimicrobial properties. Because of this, an extract of olive leaves may be applied on the parts of body affected by candida.

5. You could utilized Aloe Vera gel and apply on the affected areas to relieve the symptoms of candidiasis.

6. This is not new anymore. You can eat raw garlic every day or use it in culinary preparations as garlic has anti-fungal properties. You could even apply freshly extracted garlic juice on the affected areas to treat the candida.

7. You could also use barberry extract on the affected areas to target the yeast cells and thus curing the infection.

8. You could also add lavender oil or flower extract to your bath water in order to cure the ailment. You also have the option to use lavender essential oil to serve this purpose.

9. You can use oregano oil to naturally treat infections caused by candida.

10. You may also apply highly diluted thyme oil to cure the ailment.

All of these treatment alternatives for Candida yeast infection are actually available in the household or supermarkets. However, you should still see your doctor and ask for guidance.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - July 8, 2013 at 2:45 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Does anyone know of a good, non-antibiotic treatment of Candida?

Question by What?: Does anyone know of a good, non-antibiotic treatment of Candida?
I’m pretty sensitive to them and want to give something else a try. I’ve tried Threelac, but, the side effects were horrid (even in reduced dosage) and I want to know if there’s something else that could help. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Weise Ente

Do you have an actual Candida infection, ie thrush or a vaginal infection?

C. ablicans is a favorite of cranks. They love to claim people have “candida overgrowth,” a completely fictitious condition they invented to sell supplements and treatments. Real systemic candiasis is a life threatening condition that needs anti-fungals. However, this only happens in individuals that are extremely immune compromised.

For the real C. albicans infections, anti-fungals are just about the only thing that actual works.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 31, 2012 at 1:42 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , ,

Has anyone used or know anyone who has used a candida cleanse?

Question by fawnajefferson: Has anyone used or know anyone who has used a candida cleanse?
I bought a candida cleamse want to know were there posititve results/benefits and can give any tips while I am on it.

Best answer:

Answer by Skageet
Your candida cleanse will only be effective if you go on a candida diet at the same time. If you cut out sugar you will starve the candida, making it weak and susceptible to the anti fungal ingredients in the candida cleanse.

If you don’t starve the yeast, the cleanse won’t really have too much of an effect.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Posted by Treat Candida - March 14, 2012 at 2:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , ,