How do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? Or just for like a month or something?
Question by sue11horse: how do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? or just for like a month or something?
how long do i give up sugar? and how do i get the flakes out of my hair! help me!
Best answer:
Answer by Amanda L
Candida is a fungal infection….it depends on where you have it but treatment is very easy…
If it’s in your mouth, it’s thrush and they have an oral medication. If it’s on your feet, it’s athlete’s foot which can be treated with a powder or cream.
Otherwise, Flagyl is an oral antibiotic used to treat fungal infections. Sometime in as little as on dose.
Call your MD.
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What’s the connection between poor stomach flora and vaginal infections like candida? ?
Question by chewawa!: What’s the connection between poor stomach flora and vaginal infections like candida? ?
I’ve been told u can’t even eat fruit while treating vaginal candida.what’s the connection?
Best answer:
Answer by Martina T
Some foods, especially acidic foods, interfere with the absorption of oral medications. Grapefruit especially alters the uptake of many drugs. If you’re not taking oral meds though the only thing I can think of is that they would like you to have a lower glucose level to help get rid of the candida (it feeds on glucose in the vag secretions). I wouldn’t worry about it too much; however, eating yogurt with live cultures will help repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria. Gross as it may sound, a little PLAIN yogurt with live cultures applied directly to the area in question (possibly at bedtime, then showered off in the morning) will help to get your vaginal flora back in balance as well.
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: between, candida, connection, Flora, Infections, like, poor, stomach, Vaginal, What's