How can you tell when I yeast infection is curing?
Question by Annie is okay but not us 🙁: How can you tell when I yeast infection is curing?
I’m a 14 year old virgin and I think I have a yeast infection because I had some itching and a little bit of a fishy smell. So I went to my doctor and he prescribed me this pill that I take orally.I took it about 2 hours ago and now my vulva is itching badly.Is this a sign that it is clearing up because it wasn’t itching before I took the pill and if not, then can you tell when it is curing?
Best answer:
Answer by Detroit Cutie
Okay if you smell fishy that isn’t a yeast infection that’s something different like a Hygiene issue.
The itching is a symptom of a yeast infection. DO NOT SCRATCH IT.
If he gave you a diflucan or an antifungal pill it should clear up in a day or two.
KEEP THE AREA DRY AND CLEAN! This will help with the itching.
To prevent a yeast infection in the future eat a lot of yogurt, stay away from a lot of sugar, don’t wear your pants too tight and try to keep the area as dry and clean as possible.
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: Curing, Infection, itching, okay, tell, Yeast, yeast infection
Q&A: Is yogurt okay on a Candida diet?
Question by Juanita S: Is yogurt okay on a Candida diet?
I’ve been reading over 2 different diets for Candida and one says to have yogurt and the other says not to. One says you can have lemons and limes and the other says not to. One say you can have carrots and the other says not to? Which diet should I go by? Do you have any reccommendations for a Candida diet, and what about the yogurt?
Best answer:
Answer by SALLI58
As long as it doesn’t have sugar it should be okay.
Foods to Eat
Vegetables (including plenty of raw garlic), protein foods (beef, chicken, eggs, fish), live yogurt cultures (both dairy and non-dairy,) FOS*, whey, acidophilus, green algae’s (such as spirulina and chlorella), nuts, seeds and oils, and non-glutenous grains (like millet, rice, rice bran and oat bran).
* FOS, or Fructo-oligosaccharides, are nondigestible dietary fibers that help to keep the stomach and bowels healthy. FOS are considered a “prebiotic” because they nourish the naturally present “friendly” bacteria (especially Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli) which help to ward off infection in the digestive system.
Foods to Avoid
Aged cheeses, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, fresh fruits, fermented foods, mushrooms, vinegar, glutenous foods (wheat, rye, oats, barley), all sugars, honeys and syrups (that includes any ‘ose’, like lactose, sucrose etc), and foods that contain yeast or mold (breads, muffins, cakes, baked goods, cheese, dried fruits, melons, peanuts – although nutritional and brewer’s yeasts are not harmful, as they do not colonize in the intestines).
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