Q&A: Should we still try to get pregnant if im pretty sure I have a yeast infection?
Question by : Should we still try to get pregnant if im pretty sure I have a yeast infection?
We have been ttc for 6 months, pretty sure i have a yeast infection but my fertile time is now!!!!! We both want to get going for it but is that a good idea? Can i treat a yeast infection if I am pregnant and will it affect anything?
Best answer:
Answer by RockSteady
It may actually hinder your chances of becoming pregnant, but I would start treatment for it right away. If you tell your Dr you’re ttc they will give you something safe for baby to be. I would put a call into your Dr tomorrow so you don’t miss this window of op for the month and Good Luck!!
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: going, Infection, pregnant, pretty, should, still, sure, Yeast, yeast infection
I am on my last day of treatment and I still have a yeast infection?
Question by Jessica D: I am on my last day of treatment and I still have a yeast infection?
I have been using the off brand Monistat 7 and tonight is my last dose but I still have a yeast infection. Can someone please tell me what the most effective way of treating a yeast infection is and how to prevent them? I am open to home remedies as well. Also, what causes yeast infections. I know antibiotics can because I get one every time I am on antibiotics but what else causes them?
Best answer:
Answer by Lisa
As you may already know, candida, the bacteria that causes yeast infections lives in the vagina. There is always a small amount of it but because the vagina itself is acidic with a Ph between 3-4 it is controlled, and doesnt bother at all. Ok, so you know about antibiotics, but any other factor (like soap, ovulation, condoms or any type of birth control ) that changes your vaginas Ph and makes it less acid is giving the candida a environment that is perfect for it to grow.
Now about the remedy, give the monistat some time to work, but I recommend you to take Some Apple cider vinegar dilute it in some fresh water and sit on that mixture, in a tub or in a bucket, allowing your legs to be just a little open. Believe me THIS WORKS.
Do it at often as you can
Hope I helped!
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