Posts tagged "sugar"

What To Do On A Candida Cleanse

Yeast is a fungus. The most common type of yeast is Candidas albicans. We are all susceptible to getting a yeast infection. Such condition can last for years on end in moist places like the tongue where it appears as a white film and even in the digestive tract.

Using antibiotics, steroids, and being on the Pill could kill good bacteria let yeast proliferate. Yeast has been known to be the cause of so many symptoms and problems such as bloating, Candida esophagitis, eczema, fuzzy thinking, depression, gas, gout, rosacea, pain and inflammation, the mal absorption of nutrients as well as the propduction of toxic substances that are released into the bloodstream.

Once yeast infection is diagnosed you’ll be needing to cleanse it from your system. Here are some of the things that Candida cleanses should include:

  1. Total elimination of white sugar and white flour: Candida feeds off sugar. When you consume sugar you are literally feeding the yeast and encouraging its growth. This brings about more major cravings for exactly the wrong kinds of foods like sweets and breads.
  2. Complementary juice cleanse: A juice cleanse, with the use of the right combination of alkaline vegetables and fruits, will alter the ph of your body so that it is inhospitable to yeast.
  3. Anti-Candida supplements: Supplements like olive leaf extract and others in the proper amounts get rid of the bad bacteria and lay the foundation for reintroduction of friendly bacteria.
  4. Probiotics: Get some probiotics to recolonize your system. You must opt for a high quality product. If you consume yogurt, see to it that it isn’t heated too much that the “live” cultures are killed. Also, check if it has no sugar or preservatives.

More to these, reduce your stress. Stress can be the cause for the rise your level of blood sugar, thus feeding yeast. There is a plethora of specific directions that you can follow carefully when you follow Candida cleanses, to kill bad bacteria.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - June 23, 2014 at 9:03 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , ,

Candida Diet Guidelines

Being infected with Candida is no fun. More often than not, many details change in the life of a person affected. If you unluckily happen to be one of these individuals who are living uncomfortable lives, chances are, you’re doing every little thing you can just to free yourself from the pains of having Candida. One thing you probably tried to change is your diet.

Since Candida yeast cells thrive on sugar, you might want to lay off on sugary treats like cake and candies. It might hurt your sweet tooth, but you’re better off without sugar, at least for now. Don’t be fooled by the nutritional value of fruits. Normally, you’re suggested to have your daily fix of these nutritious stuff. But keep in mind that they have fruit sugars as well, so you better stay away from them for a while.

If curbing your sweet-tooth cravings just isn’t possible for you, then you might want to just go for a good sugar substitute or artificial sweetener. They satisfy your need for sweets but you can rest assured you won’t be satisfying the need of your yeast cells as well.

Refined carbohydrates such as the regular white bread, pasta or rice are easily converted into sugar so you must opt for wholegrain counterparts. Also, milk contains lactose which is also converted into sugar so milk and any milk-containing products should be off-limits, too.

Fructose and molasses are still sugar, albeit being considered as natural sugars. Even non-sweet tasting dishes like certain sauces and other main courses have hidden sugars in them, so don’t be misled.

If possible, educate yourself about the glycemic load of the carbs you are eating. It’s best that you eat foods with a low glycemic load. Thus, as the food you eat are being digested, the sugars are released at a slow pace. Furthermore, you are suggested to have protein-rich meals or snacks as it can stabilize your blood sugar levels, making you less prone to having food cravings.

Obviously, you should not be consuming yeast, given that you have a yeast infection. That said, avoid yeast-raised breads, pizza, and the like.

All these may seem quite difficult to follow for a long time, but don’t cry your eyeballs out, it’s not for eternity.

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Posted by jmaligaya - May 21, 2014 at 9:54 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Yeast Infection Self-Test

Are you interested in testing yourself for yeast infection? Read on and learn how to diagnose yourself. If you aren’t exactly sure that you are infected but you suspect that you are, then you must be thinking of visiting you doctor where tests can confirm your condition. The main purpose of this self-diagnosis is just so you could narrow down the possibilities. Females who do self-test are almost always successful. If you believe that your yeast infection is just a recurrence, then you should be seeking medical help as it is usually a telltale sign that you have an underlying health condition.

Candida yeast infection can happen to anyone of any age, but it most commonly hits those between 18 and 45 years old. However, since as you age, your body organs, say, your pancreas, lose their efficiency in managing and controlling the sugar within your system. And since yeast cells feed on sugar, old people are more likely to get infected.

Since sugar in the system is mentioned, let me tell you that there is a link between Diabetes and Candida. If you aren’t exactly aware whether or not you have Diabetes, then having Candida yeast infection may actually be an indication that you do have an underlying diabetic problem. It basically tells you to visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Other high risk people are those who smoke regularly and drink heavily, also those people who have too much sugar in their food.

Also, you should take into consideration your medical history, your antibiotic intake, and all the symptoms such as burning sensation when urinating and excessive itchiness.

The outcome will indicate if you’re likely to have the infection present in your body. It’s some sort of first-aid treatment, since the first approach in treating Candida yeast infection is identifying it.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - May 2, 2014 at 4:02 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

Treating Yeast Infection By Yourself

Almost certainly, you know about yeast infections. They are brought about by Candida Albicans. On the other hand, Candida Albicans are included in the microbes in the body which are typical. They aren’t originally detrimental but for the reason that they tend to overgrow, they overwhelm the good microorganisms that maintain the yeast under control, thus bringing about infection. It has different causes like misuse of antibiotics, hormone problems, poor diet, unhygienic practices, and suppressed immune system, among many others. Even so, yeast infections are curable.

This terribly troublesome condition shows that there is something wrong inside the body. Therefore, treating the symptoms only on the outside and for the time being will never get it cured.

The first step in curing Candida is identifying the root cause. Identify the factors that caused the yeast infection. By doing so, you can zero in on getting rid of them.

Medications like Antifungals, Caprylic (or Undecanoic) Acid, and Colloidal Silver are examples of medications to cure Candida. They are usually taken for months depending on the severity of the infection and in high dosages.

Probiotic supplements are also not a very bad idea. Examples are Acidophilus and Lactobacilus strains and they are good in fighting yeast cells. They can re-establish the sense of balance between bacteria. They also help in the prevention of reoccurrence which is not uncommon. It is handy and can be bought at any supermarket.

Good diet is of the essence in fighting Candida. Since sugar feeds yeast cells, you should adhere to a low sugar and low starch diet. Good outcomes are visible within a span of few weeks. Sticking to this diet along with other treatments, you are on your way to recovery.

Suffice it to say, if you have a weak immune system, you are very much susceptible to catching almost any kind of disease. Thus, combating stress is a good way to give oomph to your resistance against certain infection, particularly Candida, and prevent them from coming back as well. Staying away from smoking and downing of alcohol is a pretty sensible idea.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - April 28, 2014 at 8:55 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , ,

A Candida diet prevents growth of Candida yeast

Among the best ways to control Candida is by adhering to a strict Candida diet. It is vital to steer clear of starchy foods like some fruits, refined sugar, mushrooms, yeast, vinegar, peanuts, peanut butter, some alcoholic beverages, , alcohol, a processed and refined foods. The list of food mentioned will only make the yeast thrive and worsen the problem. Always make sure that you follow your Candida diet religiously for a progressive improvement. Additionally, quit smoking.

The Candida diet that you adhere to is a part of the Candida cleanse, and Candida cleanse is a detoxification process that will help keep yeast from overgrowing inside the body. But it is suggested though that you first ask your doctor before diving into the detoxification process.

As part of your diet, you can eat some vegetables such as broccoli, turnip, brussel sprouts, asparagus, fresh garlic, eggplant, onions, peppers, cucumber, celery, radish, spinach, cauliflower and tomatoes.

You may also eat plain yoghurt and probiotics in your diet as the live bacteria in the yoghurt will help fight off the yeast. Yogurt and probiotics play a significant role in maintaining the yeast levels in our bodies. You may also eat fresh meat, eggs and fish. Stay away from those that are not processed or canned. In addition to these, you may include herbs and spices, including herbal teas, given that they contain anti-oxidant as well as antifungal powers.

A Candida cleanse is among the most efficient forms of detoxification, considering that it eliminates particular foods that promote the thriving of Candida yeast. Go speak with your doctor before following the detoxification process just to be sure that you are safe since some individuals may suffer from withdrawals.

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Posted by Olivia Walker - March 25, 2014 at 8:35 am

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Candida Feeds On Sugar

Challenges are inevitable in life, and the greatest rewards come from the most effort, be it physical, emotional or mental. Being in control of a Candida infection will call for mental strength to say no to the cravings and pull through with the detox phase, emotional strength to set feelings aside and take the bigger view of health and freedom in mind, as well as the physical strength to adjust to this better way of lifestyle.

I’ll tell you what we’re really dealing with, it’s all about the detox phase, or in other words, freedom. Let’s admit it, everything in life is best done one step at a time. What I’m trying to say is: have you ever stopped eating your favorite sugar-coated treats altogether? How long did it last? How about you prepare by really understanding what’s really bound to happen in this new chapter of your life?

There are so many ways to master Candida, but all of them have these steps in common: eliminate the food Candida feeds on. Yup, that means sugar, but don’t wear that long face just yet, I’m no slave-driver and I swear by cookies myself. However, you can rebuild your health to keep that little monster in its proper place.

More often than not, starving the Candida yeast means steering clear of every type of sugar, if not totally cutting sugar from your diet. Are you ready to crush your candida infection and live the life you deserve? Then stay away from sugar!


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Posted by Olivia Walker - August 16, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Categories: Articles about Treating Candida   Tags: , , , , , ,

Q&A: Can eating sugar produce a smell from a yeast infection?

Question by NYC123: Can eating sugar produce a smell from a yeast infection?
I have a bad yeast infection, which has caused a kind of sour smell. I know that sugar feeds yeast infections and I have been trying to stay away from it, but I have had sugar and carbs while treating it. By eating these things, could the smell actually become worse//stronger? And when the yeast infection clears there shouldnt be a smell when I eat sugar right?

Best answer:

Answer by EROS7776
It would be best to try to avoid sugar and carbohydrates in general while having a yeast infection because it can make it harder to cure. It isn’t just sugar, but flour, pasta, rice, white bread, any high glycemic carbohydrate that feeds yeast. The smell is worse because the infection is worse. Once the yeast infection is completely gone, it should not bother you to eat sugar.

good luck..

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Posted by Treat Candida - April 2, 2013 at 1:46 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?

Question by bee: How Much Effect Does Eating Sugar REALLY Have On Yeast Infections?
39 weeks pregnant on monistat for a yeast infection. Exactly how much does DIET effect the outcome of yeast infections? Can it really keep medicine from taking effect?

Best answer:

Answer by Doodlestuff
I read recently that for about 25% of people with chronic yeast infections, eliminating sugar and starch items in the diet is necessary to aid medicine in eliminating chronic, recurring yeast infections.

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Posted by Treat Candida - January 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

How do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? Or just for like a month or something?

Question by sue11horse: how do you get rid of candida and do you have to give up sugar forever? or just for like a month or something?
how long do i give up sugar? and how do i get the flakes out of my hair! help me!

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda L
Candida is a fungal infection….it depends on where you have it but treatment is very easy…

If it’s in your mouth, it’s thrush and they have an oral medication. If it’s on your feet, it’s athlete’s foot which can be treated with a powder or cream.

Otherwise, Flagyl is an oral antibiotic used to treat fungal infections. Sometime in as little as on dose.

Call your MD.

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Posted by Treat Candida - October 8, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Why when you are on a treatment against candida you can’t eat things with sugar?

Question by tatiana m: Why when you are on a treatment against candida you can’t eat things with sugar?
I’ll like to know how to control candida, after the treatment. And is it good to do a 30 day treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Heather L
It’s best to not! The sugar feeds the candida. Eating plain low-fat yogurt is the best course of treatment. Make sure it contains lactobacillus acidophilus. LIVE cultures, or go out and buy capsules.

No idea about the 30 day treatment…

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Posted by Treat Candida - September 14, 2012 at 1:35 pm

Categories: Candida Questions   Tags: , ,