is it common for a baby to have thrush in his mouth?
Question by Dani Mom: is it common for a baby to have thrush in his mouth?
my baby is six month old now. he is lealthy with no problem. but when he was two months, i notices some thick white thrushes on his mouth specially on his tongue. i used Nistatine to clean them and then they gone. But i was just reading an article which was about autistic babies with candida and yeast infections. I do not know if these thrushes was also a kind of thoses candia or not? please help.
Best answer:
Answer by Corasmom
It’s super common to have thrush, and lots of people have candida, too, without being autistic.
Thrush is treated with nystatin liquid in the baby’s mouth, and nystatin ointment on your nipples, because otherwise you’ll just pass it back and forth when baby eats! Go to the doctor, and get the prescription, and it’s no big deal. Or, go to the health food store and get gentian violet (ask them how to use it, it’s easy).
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: baby, common, mouth, Thrush
Q&A: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
Question by keeferdude: What is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
I have been ailed with this for over 3 years now and it is getting worse, I have lots of abdominal pain, fatigue, and an overall of not feeling well. The doctors do not seem to help, most do not think I have it, others have given me just a small dosage of medication, which helps for a while but it always returns. I take about a half of a bulb of garlic a day, and that seems to help, but it is not taking complete care of it. Please help.
Best answer:
Answer by Alice
Cut sugar out of your diet, including sodas, fruit juices and other sugary things.
I have a few suggestions.. Although garlic is good, pick up some virgin coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. Replace your oils and even butter with the coconut oil. I actually think you should eat a big spoon full the first 3 weeks. Do this in the mornings and at night. You could and probably should oil pull with the oil as well first thing in the morning. Swish it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes or until it turns white.
Mix the apple cider vinegar in tea or distilled water and sip through out the day. (You can add honey if you like). Use a straw. ACV is acidic. (This will balance your ph though).
Another suggestion is along with the above two tips, add the apple cider vinegar to your bath (about 1 cup full of vinegar).
You WILL have detox symptoms from doing these steps. Because your body will be killing of the candida you may have diarrhea, stomach pains, and feel very tired. Many people (myself included) report expelling pure white/clear bowl movement while this die off happens.
You can continue the garlic if you like. But the coconut oil is an antibacterial type oil. It kills yeast. It is also one of the most healthy oils (if not THE healthiest). There are many many benefits to this oil.
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: best, candida, overgrowth, thing, Thrush
What is the best way to get rid of breast thrush or candida albicans?
Question by plaidplaty: What is the best way to get rid of breast thrush or candida abicans?
Best answer:
Answer by DrkAngl
Ahh, candida. I’ve had my bouts with that. My allergist put me on what was called a “candida yeast free” diet. You can look more up on it at also.
Basically, it was just a diet taking out all those things that cause the candida to grow in your body. Sugar,breads, pastas,mushrooms, anything made with mould (cheese), most fruits. The idea was to starve out the candida and let it die down.
What happens is that the body’s natural balance can gotten of track and this has allowed the candida to over grow. Acidopholus pills can be taken that will replenish the “good” bateria in the body. They can be found at most health food and vitamin stores. Also, your good old standard of yogurt, but make sure it says that the culture is “live active culture” or you get none of the good bacteria this way.
Ask your doctor about this too. There are pills to help ease up the growth these days if it’s a big problem. I know for those that keep having vaginal infections due to yeast, there is Nystatin. I’m sure there are others by now too.
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what is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
Question by keeferdude: what is the best thing to do for thrush and candida overgrowth?
I have been ailed with this for over 3 years now and it is getting worse, I have lots of abdominal pain, fatigue, and an overall of not feeling well. The doctors do not seem to help, most do not think I have it, others have given me just a small dosage of medication, which helps for a while but it always returns. I take about a half of a bulb of garlic a day, and that seems to help, but it is not taking complete care of it. Please help…..
Best answer:
Answer by Md. Asaduzzaman
It is a great sign that the doctors can’t find the exact problem of yours. But don’t be worried, go another well-known and specialized doctor on it and I think you shall get better treatment.
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Categories: Candida Questions Tags: best, candida, overgrowth, thing, Thrush
H-Candida: Male and Female Yeast Infection Treatment, Thrush and Candida Albicans 33ml Reviews
H-Candida: Male and Female Yeast Infection Treatment, Thrush and Candida Albicans 33ml
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Our H-Candida will successfully treat the symptoms of yeast infections in all parts of the body for both men and women. Treatment should commence at the first sign of any fungus.
We stand behind H-Candida 100% and we back this up with a full money back 60 day guarantee. You can rely on the discreet and speedy shipping of our product.
List Price: $ 34.95
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