Vaginal and Oral Yeast Infection

A Candida Infection can affect both sexes, young or old. Acquiring it only from sexual contact is a myth. The key in identifying the symptoms of a Candida yeast infection is knowing that it can happen to different parts of the body.

The vaginal yeast infection if the most common type of Candida infection in females. This takes place when growth of yeast in the vagina goes out of control. It could be triggered after being on antibiotic and/ or steroids, or have had sex. Additionally, pregnancy and birth control infection could be culprit, as well. A vaginal yeast infection occurs more frequently once menopause is reached.

The major symptoms of Candida in the vagina are burning sensation, itching and discharges. The discharge is describes as white in color and cheese-like. This discharge may cause the vagina to itch and pain during sex and urination is common.

Oral yeast infection is also common. The most common cause is said to be antibiotics, birth control pills or anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals. You have higher chances to get Thrush, if you smoke, wear dentures that don’t fit well and if you are breastfeeding.

One symptom that comes with a thrush infection is white creamy cuts that are raised slightly and are located in the mouth area. Such cuts typically sting and could be extremely painful when scratched. More to these, you could have problems with swallowing and may experience a fever when the infection has spread to the throat.