What is the best treatment for a yeast infection?
Question by nolegirl09: What is the best treatment for a yeast infection?
I think i have a yeast infection, because i feel discomfort and it burns when i go to the bathroom? Its also sore. Do you have any advice on how to treat this?
Best answer:
Answer by Meadows-Phillips is a mouthful
Go to the doctor if this is your first yeast infection.
For me, Monistat and Diflucan both didn’t work. I had to have a prescription strength yeast infection cream. I used it for seven days and it worked great. Diflucan works great for some people, but it didn’t make a difference at all to me.
ETA: If you do use Monistat, make sure you get the 7 day and not the 1 or 3. The 7 day is more effective. The 3 and 1 day treatments are concentrated and can really burn your skin.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Local drugstore. They have yeast infection ovules that you insert to kill the bacteria inside and Vagisil anti-itch and burn for the outside. Try Monistat or a knock off brand (much cheaper).
Good Luck and hope your va-jay-jay feels better!
I used Monostat 1. Also what REALLY helped me was putting Ice cubes in a plastic baggie and then wrapping a shirt or something around that and then putting the ice on your area over your shorts. Its not too cold and I promise it really makes you feel better while you are waiting for the monostat or whatever to kick in. The only good thing about a yeast infection is that it only lasts about a week.
This ebook has some information to help you solve this in a natural way. If you find its not exactly what you after my apologies.
Yeast infections are caused by a genus of fungi called candida. Candida, if left unchecked, can cause all kinds of havoc in your body. Most people live with candida in their bodies and never know it. Treating it with creams and pills will only provide temporary relief, but to get rid of it completely you need to follow a method of lifestyle changes that will help your body get rid of it naturally.